per-user build

2009-04-10 Thread Luca Ferrari
Hi all, I've got a generic build process working, but I'd like to iterate it over a set of users in order to create a per-user specific build (with its own configuration). The solution that came into my mind is to create a set of ant files with the properties of each user (e.g., profile1.xml wit

Re: AW: classpath problem when creating a jar

2009-04-07 Thread Luca Ferrari
On Tuesday 7 April 2009 14:55:33 Martin Gainty's cat walking on the keyboard wrote: > what does the jar's manifest display? Here it is: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0 Created-By: 10.0-b23 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Built-By: luca Main-Class: g2.main.Main Class-Path: aspectjrt.j

Re: AW: classpath problem when creating a jar

2009-04-07 Thread Luca Ferrari
On Tuesday 7 April 2009 13:43:41's cat walking on the keyboard wrote: > So you got a directory layout with > > .../ > >| app.jar {Class-Path: ./conf } > >+-- conf > *.properties Yes, that's the final layout. But I don't get why it is not working. Luca

classpath problem when creating a jar

2009-04-07 Thread Luca Ferrari
Hi all, I've got my source tree that includes a conf directory with different configuration files, including a resource bundle properties file. Now in the jar task of my build file I've got the following entry: and before that I have a task that copies the conf directory in the deployment dir

exclude test and examples from a jar

2008-03-27 Thread Luca Ferrari
Hi, is it correct the following file set to be included in a jar task for excluding examples and test files? I still got the classes under the example package and the Test classes into my jar. Thanks, Luca --

Re: problem with copy task

2008-03-27 Thread Luca Ferrari
On Thursday 27 March 2008 Luca Ferrari's cat, walking on the keyboard, wrote: > Hi all, > I've got the following task in my ant build file: > > description="Copies all the jars this project depdends on contained in > ${src.lib.dir}" if="${src.lib.dir}"> > > >

problem with copy task

2008-03-27 Thread Luca Ferrari
Hi all, I've got the following task in my ant build file: the idea is to copy all the jars in the src-lib file directory to the destination directory. ${src.lib.dir} poi

OSGi and Ant

2008-03-21 Thread Luca Ferrari
Hi, does anybody knows if there's any kind of extension of Ant to simplify the definition of an OSGi bundle? Just curios Thanks, Luca - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTEC

Re: problems creating a jar

2008-02-20 Thread Luca Ferrari
On Wednesday 20 February 2008 Dimitris Mouchritsas's cat, walking on the keyboard, wrote: > So for example you create: > /dist >tmp/ > classes/ > img/ > lib/ > > and then you basedir="${dist.dir}/tmp/"> etc. But in this case into the jar I will have also the classes directo

problems creating a jar

2008-02-20 Thread Luca Ferrari
Hi guys, I've got a problem creating a buildfile for a project of mine, where I'd like also to build a jar as final step. This is source tree: projectRoot +src // java sources +srcTest // junit sources +img // icons +lib