: Re: ANT in eclipse - ${eclipse.home} property
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08/17/2006 03:19 PM
Please respond to
"Ant Users List"
"Ant Users Li
A know it is not a eclipse forum, but maybe one of you has
already passed by the same situation using ANT inside eclipse.
The question is: "Is there a way to all my ANT files run by
default in the same JRE from the workspace, so I can see the
${eclipse.home} variable?"
r a foreach task.
I try to limit the use of antcall in scripts. This appears to be a
situation where it would work well.
On 8/14/06, LIRA Olavo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> Did you had a chance to look into my Build.xml? I understand
> what
s in the same ANT
You will have to give more information (such as the contents of your
Can you use a macrodef to define the target and have it take in the name
of the properties file as an argument? Then the macrodef can load the
properties with a prefix based on the argument.
>You will have to give more information (such as the contents of your
>Can you use a macrodef to define the target and have it take in the name
>of the properties file as an argument? Then the macrodef can load the
>properties with a prefix based on the argument.
Hi Ben,
Sorry I forgot to change the subject
Hello everyone,
I'm new in here and I know the basic of ANT. I use it for
compiling javacard applets. Well my problem is that I would like to know
if it is possible with ANT to run the same ANT with multiple different
.properties that I pass in
Hello everyone,
I'm new in here and I know the basic of ANT. I use it for
compiling javacard applets. Well my problem is that I would like to know
if it is possible with ANT to run the same ANT with multiple different
.properties that I pass in my init target? Now I'm using one ANT for