I have you paste my build.xml file for building one war application.
This is one struts application and when i build it i have one great problem:
the *.properties files doesn't place them into the war file. my struts
*.properties doent's appears into the war file.
Can you help me for
i, Dec 26, 2008 at 4:46 PM, Koxkorrita wrote:
> hello
> In my pc i have installed the 1.6_10 jdk.
> i must to compile, for generate one war for one 5.0 tomcat that runs into
> one 1.4 jdk, my classes.
> for this pourpose i make this into one build.xml fil
In my pc i have installed the 1.6_10 jdk.
i must to compile, for generate one war for one 5.0 tomcat that runs into
one 1.4 jdk, my classes.
for this pourpose i make this into one build.xml file:
but using the options:
optimize="on" deprecation="on" source=