for c in A B C D E; do
perl ...
perl ...
- mkdir Backup
mv *bak Backup
How do I move this script over to ant build.xml.
This is probably a bit hard to answer. In principle, you can simply
call the existing script using something like the exec task
I think that you aren't doing everything that you think you are doing in
this snippet. In particular, it appears as if nothing ever sets the
isaFile property. And, because your printError target depends on the
isaFile property being set, you will never get your error message.
If I do
If you are using ant 1.7.0, I believe that it is the resourcecount task
or condition that will do the job for you. I was only recently made
aware of this new feature myself, but suspect that many will find it to
be of great use.
Good luck,
Thanks for your quick response ... I had been unaware of the
task/condition and will begin reading up on it
immediately as that is clearly a useful feature in cases such as this one.
I particularly appreciate the fact that you and Steve have both taken
the time to look into my particu
Thanks for your informative response and your suspicion that I may have
a problem with the size() of my fileset.
Since I can't seem to find a simple method of trying to test the size of
my fileset, in advance of my call of the sql task, I've now tried to
modify my target to first crea
Ant community:
I'm trying to upgrade my build.xml to be ant 1.7.0 compatible and seem
to be stumbling on changes in the SQL task related to resource collections.
I have been trying:
keepformat="true" delimiter="/" escapeprocessing="false"