> I am able to give multiple targets dynamically and ant is able to
> understand, why the same is not possible when Iam invoking
> one build xml from another. Why in the latter case ant is not able to get
> the targets dynamically
> Thanks
> Swayam
> On Thu
The ant task calls the default target of the project being called if you
haven't declared a target in the ant task (that's probably why deploy target is
If the targets are static you can do this:
If I understand the problem correctly, you could use a condition:
I've used this to check for a macrodef, not sure about targets?
Chris Holman
-Original Message-
From: Vimil Saju []
Sent: 03 November 2011 16:02
To: Steve Amerige; Ant Users
You could use this:
Chris Holman
-Original Message-
From: twiddle-dee12 []
Sent: 24 October 2011 10:51
Subject: How do I get a property treated as a value rather than a l
You could install a copy of Nexus (a maven repository cache) and upload your
own build of that jar to your Nexus (assuming you can still download the
project source)
Chris Holman
-Original Message-
From: Nicolas Lalevée []
Sent: 21 October 2011
If you browse the maven repository at that location, the pom file is there but
the jar file is missing. Not sure if this would give a 403 error though.
Chris Holman
-Original Message-
From: Aleksey Tsalolikhin [mailto:atsaloli.t..
--Original Message-
From: David Weintraub []
Sent: 17 August 2011 17:32
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: Problems using properties containing multiple dollar signs.
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Holman, Chris wrote:
> This ant script snip
This ant script snippet:
Prints out:
[echo] $ $ $$ $$ $$$ $$$
I think its related to this PropertyExpander definition