Re: build failed error

2005-11-29 Thread Gisbert Amm
What does your build.xml look like? Regards, Gisbert Amm Suzana Barreto wrote: Hi, my build file which previously worked is now failing to build - no changes to the file were made. This is the error message I am getting, can anybody offer any advice BUILD FAILED C:\Documents and Settings\sub

Re: with genericantfile changes basedir !

2005-11-22 Thread Gisbert Amm
I think the mentioned ant-contrib is Regards, Gisbert Amm Dan Finkelstein wrote: I'm afraid I don't know which contribution you're talking about. I don't see one that has to do with for-each !! Which do you mean? At 11:50 PM 11/1

Re: Backup before deploy

2005-11-22 Thread Gisbert Amm
keith wong wrote: Here is steps I need to make: 1. SSH to remote. 2. su to our user. 3. tar all backup and save it to privielge restricted location allowed from that "su"ed user. 4. compress the tar to save space. You could pass your tar command to su with the -c option (-c, --commman

Re: run ant build via java

2005-10-26 Thread Gisbert Amm
You probably want to try out Leafcutter: Regards, Gisbert Amm wei wei wrote: Hello, i am new to ant build tool. Assume that i have written one build.xml manually, now i try to add extra property , target, task into this existing build.xml by writing java

Re: Size of zip file

2005-10-18 Thread Gisbert Amm
Do you probably mean "split" and "cat"? Regards, Gisbert Amm - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2005-10-17 Thread Gisbert Amm
Sorry for the double post, I had problems with my mailclient or IMAP server or whatever. Gisbert Gisbert Amm wrote: I guess in your xslt task you need a nested xmlcatalog element like so:"; location="/path/on/you


2005-10-17 Thread Gisbert Amm
t;PUBLIC" (I'm not quite sure, if this is really necessary). See for reference. Regards, Gisbert Amm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have an XML document generated which declares the following DOCTYPE : http://cobertura.sourc


2005-10-17 Thread Gisbert Amm
t;PUBLIC" (I'm not quite sure, if this is really necessary). See for reference. Regards, Gisbert Amm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have an XML document generated which declares the following DOCTYPE : http://cobertura.sourc

Re: Typo in documentation for Waitfor task

2005-10-11 Thread Gisbert Amm
Matt Benson wrote: --- Gisbert Amm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'd like to fix such typos in the source of the docs myself if possible. You might read for an idea of how to reach this point. Thank's for the dir

Typo in documentation for Waitfor task

2005-10-10 Thread Gisbert Amm
other person fix it. Regards, Gisbert Amm - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another Problem with a regular expression

2005-08-02 Thread Gisbert Amm
You need to escape the backslashes, see e.g. Regards, Gisbert Amm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello; it's me again. i tought everything was fine but then i saw strange problem with my propertyregexp usage. my snippet is: some.dir bei

Re: Having files only in zip

2005-08-01 Thread Gisbert Amm
This might probably help: "if nothing else works, the files to a temp dir and zip them from there." Regards, Gisbert Amm Michael Owen wrote: Hi, I'm using the ant script: includes="${zip.includes}" /> My

Re: Task to delete CVS directories

2005-08-01 Thread Gisbert Amm
Out of curiosity: Why do you need to delete all the CVS directories? If the reason is a release build of any kind it's probably much easier to do simply a fresh cvs export in some subdirectory. BTW: CVS directories aren't read-only. Regards, Gisbert Amm Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Re: XSLT - Many Input One Output

2005-07-29 Thread Gisbert Amm
The XSLT document() function might probably provide what you are looking for. Regards, Gisbert Amm On 7/29/05, KrustyDerClown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello, i use the task for a XSLT transformation. I have multiple sources (XML

Re: Build resources...

2005-07-27 Thread Gisbert Amm
Pragmatic Project Automation by Mike Clark Regards, Gisbert Amm Fintan Hynes wrote: Hi, Could anyone recoment any good books or online resources on 'build and release management' .?. Thanks, Fintan Fintan Hynes, Traventec, Galway Bus

Re: build dies when called from cron

2005-07-19 Thread Gisbert Amm
ing of the crontab. BTW: I never setup cronjobs between 2 and 3 in the night because that hour is left out when time is changed to summertime in spring. Regards, Gisbert Amm - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additio

Re: Ant 1.6.5 on Linux: Unknown argument: -cp / Wrong version info

2005-07-08 Thread Gisbert Amm
Sorry, I had seen this thread but thought it would not apply to my problem. After re-reading it I found that especially this post is exactly what I was looking for: Thank you vey much. Gisbert Amm RADEMAKERS Tanguy

Ant 1.6.5 on Linux: Unknown argument: -cp / Wrong version info

2005-07-08 Thread Gisbert Amm
rsion it says it was "Apache Ant version 1.6.2 compiled on October 2 2004" which is obviously wrong. I tried the tar.gz and the bz2 archives. Regards, Gisbert Amm - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For addit