How to show the current, real executed commands in an ANT script?

2010-08-03 Thread Ben Stover
During the execution of an Ant script a couple of real commands with real parameter values e.g. for javac, jar, are executed. How can I show the real, current, final commands at the command prompt/terminal/log file ? Ben

Is there a tool to show dependencies (and process sequence) of all targets in built.xml file hierarchy ?

2010-07-27 Thread Ben Stover
Assume I have a buil.xml with many, many targets (with "depends" attributes) and some imports of sub-built.xml Is there a tool which shows all dependencies of all targets in such a built.xml file hierarchy in a human readable, comfortable way? Ben

How to the currently used java version and java install path?

2010-07-27 Thread Ben Stover
How can I dsiplay at the console the currently used Java release and the java installation path? If possible I want to display the exact version including the update number e.g. 1.5.upd03 Ben - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

How to check if available java version is higher equal than a required java version?

2010-07-27 Thread Ben Stover
Assume I have a build.xml which contains some java tasks (javac, jar,...) I would like to make sure that the Java installation which is used to compile the source code is higher equal than e.g. JAVA SE 1.5.03. How can I specify this version requirement (and an appropriate error message) in a bu

Find out the installation path of ANT ?

2010-07-27 Thread Ben Stover
Assume I can successfully use/call Ant by typing in (at the command prompt in Windows): ant -version How can I find out where (in which directory) this ANT is installed (if. I have e.g. multiple ANT installations) ? Is there e.g. a command ant -showinstallpath or similar? Ben ---

How can I output/write variable content onto console/into file?

2010-07-22 Thread Ben Stover
Is there a way to output/write the current value (during runtime) of an ANT variable onto a console or into a text file? How does that work in detail? Ben - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For addit

How to set new PATH, CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME for whole build.xml?

2010-07-22 Thread Ben Stover
Assume I have multiple Java installations and versions on my computer. Due to other reasons I have to set java installation1 as default in my environment variables PATH, CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME. Beside the main application I would like to do some other compilations and tasks with/from Ants build.

RE: How to stop receiving postings but stay subscribed? Web only

2010-02-01 Thread Ben Stover
Sad but true. Fortunately Apache software is better that their mailing-list admins Ben On Wed, 27 Jan 2010 12:14:26 +0100, wrote: > or create a specific rules to push directly mails from Ant Users List to > trash... >-Message d'origine- >De : Peter Re

How to force Ant to perform all targets even when not necessary?

2009-01-24 Thread Ben Stover
One of the features of Ant is to only process (dependent) targets if it is necessary. Otherwise the existing products are used for subsequent steps. However sometimes I would appreciate if I could force Ant to process ALL target even it seems NOT to be necessary. How can I achieve this from wi

Difference between "dirname property" and "property"?

2009-01-10 Thread Ben Stover
When I define a property with: then everything works fine. On contrast when I define: then build/ is not found because a different directory is taken. Why? Ben - To unsubscribe, e

How to trace visually ANT script processing?

2009-01-08 Thread Ben Stover
As well known I can start an Ant script by entering ant However the visual output at the command prompt will be very small. What I am searching for is a visual trace which outputs every statement BEFORE and AFTER execution. Here embedded variables like ${jome.home} should be at first shown an

How to declare artifact dependencies for versions X.Y OR NEWER (!) ?

2009-01-08 Thread Ben Stover
In an Ant script I can declare dependencies similar to the sample shown at the bottom. However, if the version coded in the Ant script is outdated then the version is NOT found/downloaded. How can I tell Ant that if the specified version is NOT existing (any more) but a newer one then this newe

Display the current classpath in a target?

2008-11-06 Thread Ben Stover
Assume in an Ant build.xml I execute a certian target. Before the actual compile is performed I want to output the current CLASSPATH variable in order to verify that everything is catched what is exppected. How to I display (at the console) the value of project.classpath resp. classpathref? Ben

How to pass a file to an Ant build.xml process from command line?

2008-10-31 Thread Ben Stover
Normally I use Ant by clicking on a pre-defined build.xml process inside e.g. Eclipse. However sometimes I would appreciate to have the chance to call Ant and an Ant build.xml script from command line and pass e.g. a file to it. Something like: java org.apache.ant.executescript D:\myproj\tbuild

How to access the basedir of ANOTHER project in Eclipse?

2008-10-27 Thread Ben Stover
Assume I use a build.xml in Project AAA. As part of a property definition I want to define a folder from ANOTHER project BBB within the same Eclipse installation. However the actual path should NOT be entered directly (=absolute) but relative to the current workspace. It should go similar like: