Hi everybody,
I`d like to compiler the Dacapo Benchmark with the Java 7 Compiler.
The Benchmark uses an ant build script.
I already changed the Java version in my system, but ant uses still the
Java 6 compiler.
The Java 7 compiler is just the compiler and not a hole virtual machine.
That means
Thanks Vimil,
That explains it quite clearly and will give the subant task a try.
Marijan (Mario) Madunic
Publishing Specialist
New Flyer Industries
-Original Message-
From: Vimil Saju [mailto:vimils...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 11:22 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re:
The reason for the behavior is because the batch file runs in a separate
process. To prevent this behavior, instead of executing the batch file from the
main build.xml, you can directly invoke the generated build.xml from the main
build.xml using the subant task. Doing this makes the generated b
(Ant 1.8.2, XP SP3)
I’m using ANT to pipeline my conversion of XML (Excel) to PDF via the command
line. So I chunked up the various steps into separate project files and import
into the build.xml. At one point an XSLT created a bat file to copy required
SVGs locally for use in the P