On 2010-10-22, ciba wrote:
> I am using two listeners :
> net.sf.antcontrib.perf.AntPerformanceListener
> org.apache.tools.ant.listener.Log4jListener
> I want all print statements other than 'performance statistics' to be
> printed on the console. so that means i cannot use the -logFile option.
On 2010-10-22, Gökhan Özbulak wrote:
> I wonder if ant supports something like "make install" in make of GNU. I
> examined various build.xml files from various well known projects like
> Apache Tomcat etc., but couldn't see anything about installing files built
> into somewhere like /usr/bin in GN
Oh how I look forward to rthe fun if you ever venture over to ask the
same of Maven! [Maven being "opinionated" software has the opinion
that installation of software onto your system is the responsibility
of a software installer and not the responsibility of Maven Core]
Apache ANT does not dictat
I wonder if ant supports something like "make install" in make of GNU. I
examined various build.xml files from various well known projects like
Apache Tomcat etc., but couldn't see anything about installing files built
into somewhere like /usr/bin in GNU/Linux distros.
If there is no such tar
AntPerformanceListener handles log events for ANT events here are the
impelemented methods
public class net.sf.antcontrib.perf.AntPerformanceListener extends java.lang.Obj
ect implements org.apache.tools.ant.BuildListener{
public net.sf.antcontrib.perf.AntPerformanceListener();
public v
I am using two listeners :
I want all print statements other than 'performance statistics' to be
printed on the console. so that means i cannot use the -logFile option.
How can we implement this differ