I've a server which is mounting a nfs share. When I do a copy on a file
larger than 2GB, the following error comes up. It works perfectly for
smaller files.
[copy] Failed to copy /opt/home/servera/abc.log to abc.log due to
Invalid argument
Does anyone know where the limitation is at?
I added some targets and set onerror="continue":
here is the complete code:
SELECT * FROM accounts;
SELECT * FROM us_states;
I found a solution:
I set the Saxparser in my Antcall.
The stacktrace showed (after analyzing it once more) that Ant is confusing the
XML classes.
Some come from Ant and some come from JDK1.6.0_17.
So we tried to tell Ant, that he has to use the standard Saxparser of the JDK I
use, using
javap bytecode listing of xercesImpl.jar which i have that is packaged with
09/08/2009 07:16 PM 1,223,877 xercesImpl.jar
public class org.apache.xerces.util.XMLAttributesImpl extends java.lang.Object i
mplements org.apache.xerces.xni.XMLAttributes{
I created a task called dope-task. This task gets the following exception, but
only when I use Ant.
I have the same functionality without Ant and everything works fine.
I fear that this is a classptah issue.
It happen s when parsing XML. I want to use the xmlparser of Java 1.6.0_17, but