As part of a larger project I'm trying to invoke ANT from a Java class
using a variation of "Runtime.getRuntime.exec('ant')". However, the java
environment I'm calling from (Oracle Application Server) is not
providing many environmental variables to the ANT runtime. The Ant CVS
Task, as
Thanks for your reply Henning. Yes, javac causes memory error,
following is the error message. I am using Sun JDK 1.6.0_03-b05.
[javac] Compiling 4 source files to d:\Build\iPiece\Java\iTool\bin
> From time to time, I get Out-Of-Memory errors in Ant (Ant 1.7.0), I
> would like to know the best practises from the people who have
> experience with Ant Memory Management. Some set of tips & tricks..
> would help every one here..
Are you sure, that ant causes the memory error? For example
it c
Depending on what the Ant script is doing you may need to change the Ant JVM
settings. I used to increase the heap memory space when running XDoclet in
a large project using the ANT_OPTS environment variable. Otherwise I would
get out of memory errors.
This page may be useful. http://wiki.apache.o
Hi All,
>From time to time, I get Out-Of-Memory errors in Ant (Ant 1.7.0), I
would like to know the best practises from the people who have
experience with Ant Memory Management. Some set of tips & tricks..
would help every one here..
Thanks in advance!