I think I'm going to need to build a task that assembles a zip file from
a set of files, where the MANIFEST file has one key/value pair for each
file put into the zip file, where the value is the Perforce revision
number for the file in the current view. I could easily do something
like this with
This is most likely a logic/programming error.
Target A calls Target B which in turn calls Target A which again calls
Target B..
Target A -> Target B -> Target A -> Target B..
This sets up an infinite recursion, which will result in a
You can increase the stack si
If it is a heap size issue, then you might want to get a verbose gc trace.
Just a guess, but perhaps you need to log or record the depth of the calls.
There may be a logic situation and not a heap size issue.
On Feb 16, 2008 12:18 AM, Z W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Glenn
> In one of my previous post, I got jstack error when 2 targets are calling
> each ot