AW: Javadoc generation from jar using ant

2007-07-05 Thread Jan.Materne
You dont generate JavaDoc from a jar - you generate it from the java sources. See the example section of the manual for that. Jan >-Ursprüngliche Nachricht- >Von: Manivannan Palanichamy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Juli 2007 08:25 >An: >Betreff: J

Javadoc generation from jar using ant

2007-07-05 Thread Manivannan Palanichamy
All, I am stuck at generating javadoc from a jar, using ant. Can some body show some ant script sample? Thanks in advance. -- Manivannan.Palanichamy (@)

AW: ANT -- Unique Error --Pls Help

2007-07-05 Thread Jan.Materne
1. update to the actual version (1.7.0) 2. run Ant without having any CLASSPATH Jan >-Ursprüngliche Nachricht- >Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2007 17:23 >An: >Betreff: ANT -- Unique Error --Pls Help >Wichtigkeit: Hoc

RE: Formatter for ant scripts ?

2007-07-05 Thread James Oltmans
Just to extend this to a more general question. What if the source is a form of BASIC (or language X) that is non-standard (in my case, UniBasic) is there a task out there for creating specific formatting rules or would that need to be developed? -Original Message- From: Jay Dickon Glanvil

Re: ANT -- Unique Error --Pls Help

2007-07-05 Thread prashanth . l
Dear, Just tried with Installed Java version, it worked fine. The java version i used for ant compilation was not installed but was jar-ed and brought to this machine, and pointed in classpath. Thank You. Prashanth Ninju Bohra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/05/2007 09:08 PM Please respond to "Ant

Re: ANT -- Unique Error --Pls Help

2007-07-05 Thread Ninju Bohra
Hello, This error is usually indicative of a JAVA class version mis-match. A common cause of this creating .class files with one version of JAVA and running them on a on another (incompatible) version. Have you recently changed your environment (OS, JAVA version, ANT_HOME, JAVA_HOME, etc...)

Re: ANT -- Unique Error --Pls Help

2007-07-05 Thread Kevin Jackson
Hi, I am getting this error, When running ant , Please help ASAP. ant version -- 1.5.4 BUILD FAILED java.lang.VerifyError: (class: Could you give us a copy of your build that's causing this error? Without it it's very difficult to find a solution. Also please read :

ANT -- Unique Error --Pls Help

2007-07-05 Thread prashanth . l
Dear all, I am getting this error, When running ant , Please help ASAP. ant version -- 1.5.4 BUILD FAILED java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/apache/tools/ant/types/Path$PathElement, method: signature: (Lorg/apache/tools/ant/types/Path;)V) Expecting to find object/array on stack at o

Dirset problems

2007-07-05 Thread Knuplesch , Jürgen
Hi I use tried to test the dirset wit the following lines (later I want to do sth. With some dirs): Sortlist ${sortlist.ausgabe1} The result are not directories, as I expected, but the only file that is in this path: Buildfile: D:\Entwicklung\JK Nightly Bu

RE: ant -lib seems not working on Linux RHEL 5

2007-07-05 Thread Yung Choi
Hi Jan, Unfortunately '-lib ' does not work either. Any other suggestions? Thank you for your help, - yung |-Original Message- |From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 1:35 AM |To: |Subject: AW: ant -lib seems not wo

Re: ANT auto-emailing of reports, mail task

2007-07-05 Thread Tommy Nordgren
I suggest you contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this question. On 5 jul 2007, at 11.02, Hankel wrote: Hi there, Once again, I apologize for posting a question more related on ANT than TestNG. But as far as I know, there is no such active and populated forums for ANT, shame. However, I think

RE: need help regarding the sql query

2007-07-05 Thread RADEMAKERS Tanguy
Hello, You could write the results of your sql query to a file using the task's "output" attribute, then read that file in to set a property value using the task. Regs, /t >-Original Message- >From: Basha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 1:49 PM >To: user@ant.

ANT auto-emailing of reports, mail task

2007-07-05 Thread Hankel
Hi there, Once again, I apologize for posting a question more related on ANT than TestNG. But as far as I know, there is no such active and populated forums for ANT, shame. However, I think this subject would benefit from a large group of TestNG users here, as automated tests suggested by TestNG