revision 452757
It needs some hours, but then it should be online.
For the meanwhile:
>-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>Von: Pavel Vlasov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Gesendet: Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2006 04:35
>An: 'An
On Tue, 3 Oct 2006, Thorsten Möller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This means that in the target dir and each sub dir a directory
> ".svn" exists which must remain after synchronisation. However, when
> I use the task those SVN directories will be deleted since
> they do not exist in the source dir
My problem is that I want to synchronise arbitrary source directories with a
target dir which is under version control by SVN. This means that in the
target dir and each sub dir a directory ".svn" exists which must remain
after synchronisation. However, when I use the task those SVN
I've finished site reorganization. Please re-add SQLC and
Transformica to the external tools and tasks page.
XML definitions are below.
SQL Compiler (SQLC) compiles database metadata and SQL statements
into data access and data transfer classes.