> It seems that I do not have any inner classes. Here's the
> source of the file:
Using a switch/case with an enum apparently creates an extra class when
compiling with javac. (A simple test class does the same thing - if you
use "javap -c" to look at the 'extra' class I think you'll see it has
This is working as designed; ant, antcall
& subant create new contexts and property values set in the context
ARE NOT propegated back to the calling context.
Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care
Why don't you use the ant way and make jar depend on update?
If you use the antcall then a new scope is created and the properties in the
new scope are not seen in the calling scope.
If you make jar depend on update then you can just run "ant jar" and the
update target will be fired then the jar
Ok. I've progressed slightly on this. It seems a property set in one
target isn't returned to the calling target, however, if I call the targets
separately, it works.
e.g. "ant update jar", rather than "ant jar" and have jar call update.
-Original Message-
From: Greg Irvine
Hi all.
I'm having a problem with property values not existing outside of the target
they're created/set in.
For example (see below), I have a "jar" target that calls an "update"
target. The update calls svn status to populate a property with the current
svn version number and then I echo the pr
Alexey N. Solofnenko wrote:
It is not ANT problem - you have an anonymous inner class. Look for
"new AAA() {" somewhere in your code.
- Alexey.
Milen Dzhumerov wrote:
Hi there,
I've been trying to compile a few simple classes with Ant and
everything is fine except that it produces a cla
Robert Clark wrote:
On Thursday April 6, 2006 17:18, Milen Dzhumerov
I've been trying to compile a few simple classes with Ant and
everything is fine except that it produces a class twice with the
name: SqlErrorCond$1.class
The files have differen
It is not ANT problem - you have an anonymous inner class. Look for "new
AAA() {" somewhere in your code.
- Alexey.
Milen Dzhumerov wrote:
Hi there,
I've been trying to compile a few simple classes with Ant and
everything is fine except that it produces a class twice with the name:
On Thursday April 6, 2006 17:18, Milen Dzhumerov
> I've been trying to compile a few simple classes with Ant and
> everything is fine except that it produces a class twice with the
> name: SqlErrorCond$1.class
> SqlErrorCond.class
> The files have different sizes.
Hi there,
I've been trying to compile a few simple classes with Ant and everything
is fine except that it produces a class twice with the name:
The files have different sizes.
Here's the ant file:
And the verbose o
If you do not wish to change the utility, you might consider using a script
to achieve the transformation. The task would specify a shell
script as the executable, and the script would invoke the target utility.
The script itself would be self contained within the build.xml. Something
similar to
Hello All,
I have a "sample.sql" file (this file contents change dynamically) that
contains the following lines:
I have used to speed up a bunch of database server
operations. The work was really being done remotely and the client was
just waiting for status.
-Original Message-
From: Dominique Devienne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:37 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re:
I have similar issue. A lot of list files which are used to generate
real filenames.
How to do extending these (eg. src,doc,bin,testsuite) to
Linux_BUILDNUMBER_src.zip etc without hardcoding lits items? Their
amount may differ in different branches also naming convention how final
Thank you Jeff. It resolved the issue.
From: Jeffrey E Care [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:56 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: Dynamically increase the number of arguments to EXEC task
based on the number and name of the file(s) i
Also helps
Von: Jeffrey E Care [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 6. April 2006 15:56
An: Ant Users List
Betreff: Re: Dynamically increase the number of arguments to
EXEC task based on the number and name
You did correctly understand the problem I am trying to solve.
I will look into the that you mentioned.
However, my problem could be easily solved if I could access the value
of the current via a property. That is, if whatever
resolves to during an iteration of could also be
So your utility requires, for the file "foo.in", e.g.:
utility foo.in blahfoo.in
but the target file is determined automatically?
( w/o )
In this case I might have to recommend antcontrib's
. Even if we added the ability to duplicate
and/or , "foo.in" would still be
a separate argument from "b
I'm trying to code up an in ANT.
I need to run a utility which takes 2 parameters, 1) a source file name
(), and 2) something derived from the source file name (value="...">). The output of this program is a file, whose name is
derived from the source file name (, which is used for
Hi Mohan,
I don't know if this will solve your immediate problem, but when I need
dynamic behavior in a build I use an xslt stylesheet and an xml file to
create my build script. I see ANT as just a processor and the build file as
just data. So I try to generate the data for the build in advance
Just think about it logically: if you
have a multi-proc machine with good disks then yes, you can see performance
improvements by building things in parallel. If you have a single-proc
machine with a rinky-dink 5400 RPM drive then no, chances are that you
won't see any performance benefit (and mig
Use the task.
Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care
IBM WebSphere Application
Server Development
WAS Pyxis Lead
Release Engineer
"Guttula, Mohan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote on 04/06/20
Hello All,
Requirement: Dynamically increase the number of arguments to EXEC task
based on the number and name of the file in a directory.
For example a sample directory contains the following files with
extension "*.rod" (Number of rod files in the "src" directory
dynamically change):
Like already mentioned, will *only* and *potentially* give
you a boost if you have a multi-CPUs machine, and/or a multi-disks
machine, and/or independent tasks, etc...
Don't expect much from on a single CPU PC... Like Conor
already told you, it enables use cases impossible to do without
Hi Conor,
You had said that " was not intended as a performance
enhancer, but the ant manual says
Parallel tasks have a number of uses in an Ant build file including:
* Taking advantage of available processing resources to reduce build
Following example was also cited in the a
On 4/6/06, saoussen belhassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> can I use ant with windows XP. if yes, what is the
> necessary features that i need to install it?
can I use ant with windows XP. if yes, what is the
necessary features that i need to install it?
Saoussen Belhassen
Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger ! Découvez
Hi Daniel,
Can you telnet to the host on port 25? If so do you get an smtp session
with the host?
Brian McCallion
WebSphere Automation Solutions
Bronze Drum Consulting, Inc.
230 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10169
T (646) 283-0534
F (646) 201-9596
Hi Carton,
Does it work if you try to do the scp from the command line? From a very
cursory look at the error it seems like your getting some kind
authentication error. Without knowing a lot about your environment I'd
first do a sanity check on the ssh configuration. I'm wondering if the ssh
29 matches
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