> - the master buildfile doesnt use , it uses a
> sequence of
> calls
> where you manage (by brain :) the dependencies.
Oh, another idea:
Provide a for each module and uses "depend"-attributes,
so Ant can handle the dependency managing of the "targets" (here
your modules) for you.
Thanks, it's exactly the kind of information that I'm searching. But
it seems that these modules are independent. Where module dependencies
should be specified?
The Jakarta Commons project has also a set of independent modules [1].
They have a buildfile for each modul
Inside the gump descriptors ;)
Ant doesnt manage project dependencies. (Maybe the will change
here, havent fully read the according threads).
What you can do at the moment is
- each module checks its preferences and fail otherwise
- the master buildfile doesnt use , it uses a sequence
The Jakarta Commons project has also a set of independent modules [1].
They have a buildfile for each module. Each module has its own build path.
And their master buildfile [2] calls several modules.
Mmmh - there was a discussion when and were new ...
Yep: [3]. And I knew that some of us had don
> I would like to know if there is a way in Ant to duplication
> the unix 'find'
> command, especially to find a file older than time for example.
> Fileset doesn't seem to be powerful enough.
Sounds that you havent read the manual carefully enough :)
Otherwise you would have seen the eleme
On Sunday 12 December 2004 19:59, Karl wrote:
> Required task:
> I need to add an uncompressed file to an existing jar file at build
> time. (I'm adding a copyright file that has to be easily
> accessible/readable).
> Question:
> Is there a way to do this using a jar task directly? I haven't been
Required task:
I need to add an uncompressed file to an existing jar file at build
time. (I'm adding a copyright file that has to be easily
Is there a way to do this using a jar task directly? I haven't been
successful in finding a way to do this so I've resorted
I have found either bug in the CVS task or unclear documentation. For the
cvs task,
using the 'dest' attribute it states that it is the directory that the files
will be checked
out files should be placed. It appears that it is really the directory
where the module
will be checked out to.