I'm no expert on EAR files... but using one as the
base directory of a fileset doesn't strike me as being
"reasonable and customary." Are you sure that's
IMHO an Ant buildfile should always be able to instruct Ant with regard to
the CLASSPATH to use for s.
What I mean is that if a task (like ) needs a certain CLASSPATH,
then the writer of the Ant build script should be able to specify where the
necessary classes can be found (the junit.jar file
I've been trying to debug the following problem for about 3 hours:
Here is the error message I am getting (this is with Websphere on W2k):
!! no source information available !!
[javac] This compilation unit indirectly references the missing type
org.apache.log4j.Logger (typical
Looks correct. What version of sshd is the server running?
-Rob Anderson
-Original Message-
From: Kevin Stembridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 1:22 PM
To: 'Ant Users List'
Subject: RE: scp task gives ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
All of the propertie
The taskdef is incorrect. The classname of the scp task is:
Ant 1.5.x does not have the scp/sshexec tasks installed. You will need the jsch.jar as
well as the actual task classes. You should be able to compile them and use them with
1.5.x, since the
All of the properties are being set correctly.
-Original Message-
From: Anderson, Rob (Global Trade) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 14 January 2004 08:07
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: scp task gives ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
What does your build.xml look like?
This problem is similar to John Hohlen (1/6/2004) "Can't Run JUnits With ANT
I check Antoine's reply, however no luck.
Here are my findings:
I am in the process of migrating build scripts from ANT 1.5.4 to 1.6. The
has gone relatively smooth until, I execute a target that has JUn
What does your build.xml look like?
-Rob Anderson
-Original Message-
From: Kevin Stembridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 12:41 AM
Subject: scp task gives ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
I get the following stack trace when using the
I have JDK 1.4.2 and have ant 1.5.1 which come from NetBeans running
successfully for
jar, tini, ftp, telnet, javac, java.
i got this error (when try to add: )
build.xml [49] Could not create task or type of type: scp.
so i try to add (put jsch.jar on c:/ant/lib)
and get this error: