LC equivalent of php utf8_encode and utf8_decode ?

2020-04-13 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hello list, Suddenly I'm having a blank : what is the LC equivalent of utf8_encode and utf8_decode in php for a string ? Thanks in advance jbv ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe a

[OT] experience with open source marketplace software anyone ?

2020-07-24 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, Does anyone have any experience with open source marketplace software ? I don't mean regular ecommerce website, but Open Source Multi-Vendor marketplace software. There are several solutions available and would appreciate if anyone would like to share some experience on this matter. Pleas

Question about Windows 10 for Surface

2020-10-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a request from a potential client for an app that should run on iOS, Android and Microsoft devices. AFAIK, Microsoft has dropped Windows 10 Phone in 2019. But what about devices like Surface tablets that run Windows 10 ? Can a LC app compiled for windows run on these devices ?

binaryencode question

2020-12-07 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a script that opens a binary file (actually a .wav) file, converts binary data to hex, do some processing on parts of the data, and then saves the result as a new .wav file. I managed to convert the binary data to hex and do the processing, but now I'm stuck trying to convert hex

Re: binaryencode question

2020-12-07 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Never mind folks, I found another (and easier solution) : I'm using bytetonum() to convert the binary data from the file, and then, after processing, numtobyte() to write the data as binary in the file. Le 2020-12-07 04:53, jbv via use-livecode a écrit : Hi list, I have a script that op

play command and wav file

2020-12-19 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, Is there a way to play a wav file that is already loaded in memory as binary data ? The doc only says that "play" takes a file name as parameter... Thank you in advance. jbv ___ use-livecode mailing list Please vi

Re: play command and wav file

2020-12-19 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Martin, Richmond, thank you both for your answers. My problem is that the data of the wav file is already in memory, because I open the wav file, read it, store it in a variable, and apply various processes to the content. And finally what I want to do is play the wav data after processing, withou

Basic mobile app question

2020-12-23 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, A friend of mine has a website with a responsive version, and would like to have a mobile app as well. Of course, he has next to zero budget, so I was wondering if it could be possible to use Livecode to make a basic app that would create a browser object at startup, and the url of the

disabling a group

2021-01-13 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a group that contains various controls, including graphic objects. When I disable the group, the colors of every object becomes lighter, except for graphics whose colors remain the same. What is the best way to make colors of graphics become lighter when the group is disabled ? I

Re: disabling a group

2021-01-13 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2021-01-13 15:34, Mark Wieder via use-livecode a écrit : On 1/13/21 11:32 AM, jbv via use-livecode wrote: Hi list, I have a group that contains various controls, including graphic objects. When I disable the group, the colors of every object becomes lighter, except for graphics whose

Re: disabling a group

2021-01-14 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi Paul, Thank you for sharing. I think I will stick with 1 single line of script that changes the graphic color. But I still need to understand why graphics colors don't change when disabled. Le 2021-01-13 22:29, Paul Hibbert via use-livecode a écrit : I have just used setProp in a behaviour bu

Re: Call lc from php?

2021-01-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi, Le 2021-01-20 18:53, Neville Smythe via use-livecode a écrit : Quick question: is it possible to execute a .lc server script from within php (eg from an index.php page)? I don't know if it will be useful, but here's the method I've been using for years : $data = '

numberformat, trunc and round

2021-02-02 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, This might sound like a dumb question, but I'm scratching my head trying to find a workaround. I have this portion of script : set numberformat to "#.000" if myvar = trunc(myvar) then get myarray[myvar] end if The problem seems to be that when numberformat is set, both tru

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2021-02-14 20:46, William Prothero via use-livecode a écrit : Jacqueline: I didn’t know about . Thank you for letting me know of that resource. It looks very useful and I like the user feedback part. I find this a bit surprising, bec

scrollbar question

2021-02-19 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi lust, How can I prevent the thumb of a scrollbar to move when user clicks on the scrollbar, but not on the thumb, when it's set as a slider ? I tried to trap scrollbarLineDec and scrollbarLineInc, and also to set the lineincrement to 0, but to no avail. What am I missing ? Thanks in advance.

"within graphic" question

2021-02-22 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a graphic made of a list of points. This graphic is opaque and invisible, its filled property is set to true (according to the doc). In my card script I have something like : on mousedown put within(grc "mygraphic", the clickloc) end mousedown but it always returns false, even

Re: "within graphic" question

2021-02-22 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2021-02-22 15:26, Tore Nilsen via use-livecode a écrit : Since the properties of the arc is available even if it is invisible, this will work though: on mouseDown put isWithin("myGraphic",the clickLoc) end mouseDown function isWithin pGraphic pClickLoc if pClickLoc is within the rect of

Did I dream this ?

2021-03-04 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I thought I remembered a property like xloc or yloc in LC that would return only the horizontal or vertical location of an object... Or was it before, in Metacard or even in OMO ? jbv ___ use-livecode mailing list


2021-03-17 Thread jbv via use-livecode BTW I wonder how brain activity would look like with xTalk... Best ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe,

numberformat question

2021-03-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I am a bit lost : set numberformat to ".#" put -0.007347880794884118999 / 1000 -- returns -0.07347880794884119 which is ok put -0.007347880794884118999 / 100 -- returns -0.7347880794884 -> also ok put -0.007347880

Re: numberformat question

2021-03-21 Thread jbv via use-livecode
vide a framework for high precision math. You might search the list archives or search the forum on the LC web site for past discussions about number precision. On 3/20/2021 3:06 PM, jbv via use-livecode wrote: > Hi list, > I am a bit lost : > >set numberformat to ".##

Re: numberformat question

2021-03-22 Thread jbv via use-livecode
&hilit=longadd#p130985> Craig On Mar 21, 2021, at 7:34 AM, jbv via use-livecode wrote: Paul, Sean, Thank you both for your answers, although it doesn't really solve my problem. The most surprising thing is that javascript runs these calculations without problem : (-0.00

Re: numberformat question

2021-03-22 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2021-03-22 12:03, jbv via use-livecode a écrit : Hi Craig, Thank you for the link, but it doesn't help much : bigDivide(-0.007347880794884118999,10) returns 0 , -0.01 Ooops, I just realized that I forgot to add set numberformat to "0.

Re: numberformat question

2021-03-22 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2021-03-22 12:14, John Balgenorth via use-livecode a écrit : You might be able to get the info by running your javascript from a shell command. Here is a link that might be of help; T

Re: numberformat question

2021-03-23 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Thank you. I will take a close look at it. Meanwhile I have finetuned my LC script : it returns the same results as the js script, and according to my tests, solves 1000 cubic equations in roughly 0.8 second. Le 2021-03-23 07:14, Andreas Bergendal via use-livecode a écrit : A few years back I

A question for LC and Windows 10 experts

2021-03-23 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a request from a client to sync an accounting software running on a PC under Windows 10 and a database on a remote server. Below is a short description of the solution I have imagined, and I would welcome opinions & critics from other list members, as I'm not really familiar with W


2021-04-14 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I am using revBrowserNavigate and have the following problem : sometimes some urls won't display, but they display fine when I enter them in the address bar of the browser. What am I missing and what should I check ? I am using LC Community 8.1.10. Thanks in advance. Best, jbv _

launch url and then close

2021-04-17 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, On desktop, when a browser window is opened outside of LC using the "launch url" command, is there a way to close the browser window after a while from the LC script ? I am not talking about the revbrowser, but the actual default browser. I guess the answer is "no", as I haven't found any

Resizing images

2021-06-16 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I need to resize hundreds of jpg and png images. Most images have different initial width and height, and the resizing needs to be done according to data in an xml file, therefore most resizing are quite unique. I was wondering : what is the best way to do it ? 1- with a LC script using e

decompressing gzip data server side

2021-08-02 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I need to post data from an LC standalone to a remote server. For years, using LC as cgi engine, I have compressed and encoded the data in base 64 like this : put base64encode(compress(myData)) into myVar and then I run the opposite command server side : put decompress(base64decode

Server directory of a running script

2021-11-12 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, Is there a way to get the full path of the server directory/subdirectory in which an LC script is running, from within the script itself while it is running ? I have a Livecode Hosting account and I need to get something like : "/home/myAccount/public_html/myDirectory/mySubDirectory/"

Re: Server directory of a running script

2021-11-12 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Great ! Thank you. Le 2021-11-12 05:20, Ralf Bitter via use-livecode a écrit : You might try $_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"] Ralf ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage yo

Re: Server directory of a running script

2021-11-12 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2021-11-12 15:10, Phil Davis via use-livecode a écrit : Also, maybe try "the filename of me". It seems like that should work, though I could be wrong. No, you're right, it works too. Thank you. ___ use-livecode mailing list

How to detect when the user moves a stack

2021-12-15 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, How can I detect when the user moves a stack around the screen by clicking on the top bar while leaving the mouse down ? Here's my problem : I have a main stack calling a modal stack that displays information in real time while some client / server dialog is running. When the modal sta

Re: How to detect when the user moves a stack

2021-12-15 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Am 15.12.2021 um 11:02 schrieb jbv via use-livecode : Hi list, How can I detect when the user moves a stack around the screen by clicking on the top bar while leaving the mouse down ? Here's my problem : I have a main stack calling a modal stack that displays information in real ti

Livecode and interactive video

2022-01-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, This might be a dumb question but anyway... Imagine a simple quiz made of a succession of static slides, each slide featuring a question and 4 possible answers. When the user clicks 1 answer, he gets notified if he's right or wrong, then a comment about the right answer is displayed, an

Re: Livecode and interactive video

2022-01-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2022-01-20 13:39, Tom Glod via use-livecode a écrit : Hi there . can you give an example of an interactive video on youtube? so I can see what you mean? I've never seen one. Please check this video : it explains the basics of interactive videos, although I don't know if it's accepted o

Re: Livecode and interactive video

2022-01-21 Thread jbv via use-livecode
nk to your interactive video on YouTube just below a video you have posted. You could say something like: To try the interactive version of this video, please click on the link below. Good Luck! Rick On Jan 20, 2022, at 6:49 AM, jbv via use-livecode wrote: Hi list, This might be a dumb questio

Re: Livecode and interactive video

2022-01-21 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2022-01-21 14:56, Jim Lambert via use-livecode a écrit : A quarter of a century ago, we called this Interactive Multimedia. It was usually delivered on a CD-ROM. Ask your parents! ;) he he he... I actually made quite a few myself 30 years ago... I"m currently browsing through various exis

LC subscription and special characters

2022-05-10 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have been asked by a client to make some upgrades to a standalone app that I built with LC 6.5 about 12 years ago. The app is a front end for managing a remote DB on a server. The DB content is roughly 90% in french, and the rest in english and german. It has about 16 entries and

Re: LC subscription and special characters

2022-05-10 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Thank you for your reply. Obviously, it was possible in earlier versions of LC. So, could someone be kind enough to make a quick test with the most recent versions of LC, by typing text inside a field, if special characters can be used, like alt+144 for É, and possibly on azerty and qwerty key

Re: LC subscription and special characters

2022-05-12 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Thank you all for your answers. I am going to contact tech support to see if there is any solution to be expected in the near future. FYI, so far we are using a workaround : jbv ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecode@l

Nested loops

2022-05-16 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, What is the best and most efficient way to write the following javascript loops in LC ? for (let i = 0, j = myArray.length - 1; i < myArray.length; j = i++) { } This goes beyond simple nested loops. So far, because of lack of time, I have pre-calculated the successive values of i and j

Maximum length of mySQL request ?

2022-05-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, Is there a maximum length limit for mySQL requests ? I don't mean the results returned by mySQL, but the request itself. For instance, I have a table with 18 entries and counting, and I will need to send requests such as : SELECT FROM myTable WHERE id = 5523 OR id = 7831 OR id = 162

Re: Maximum length of mySQL request ?

2022-05-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2022-05-20 08:00, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode a écrit : You can save some characters by the following: SELECT ... FROM myTable WHERE id IN (5523,7831,162814,34895,...) which is the same as using multiple OR equals in your example. Thank you. Yes I will try that. And I have no idea why it

Re: Maximum length of mySQL request ?

2022-05-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2022-05-20 11:24, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode a écrit : I googled around a bit and there doesn't seem to be a limit on statement length. I will say though that the nature of the query indicates a possible design issue with the database. I suspect however that you are at the mercy of someone e

LC 9.6.7 and Applescript

2022-06-09 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I am trying to use an old stack made with LC 8.1 community that used to work fine on Mac OSX 10.11. Now I am with LC 9.6.7 on OSX 10.15. The stack features some AppleScript commands such as : tell application "Google Chrome" to set URL of active tab of window 1 to "https://www.domain

Re: LC 9.6.7 and Applescript

2022-06-09 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hello Panos, I just installed LC 9.6.8 and everything works perfect. Thank you for your reply. I guess I should check more often :) Best, jbv Le 2022-06-09 04:17, panagiotis m via use-livecode a écrit : Hello jbv, This sounds like bug

Best way to update a large DB ?

2022-06-13 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a mySQL DB with about 40 entries, and I need to update 19 of them in the following way : update myDB set col1 = "blah blah", col2 = "blah blah" where id = 12345 limit 1 I have a file with all the requests that weights almost 200 Mb. I can't upload it via phpMyadmin, bec

LC 9.6.8 and UTF-8 on MacOS 10.15

2022-07-09 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a serie of text files in UTF-8 format for which I need to do some processing in LC, and then save to a single text file also in UTF-8. I am using the following code : open file tpath for UTF8 read read from file tpath until EOF close file tpath1 --put it

deleting folders on server with revDeleteFolder

2022-07-17 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, On my LC Hosting account, I have a php script that creates directories : mkdir($dirname, 0755); Each directory is used to temporarily store text & image files. Then I have a LC script that is supposed to delete those directories under certain conditions. No problem for deleting files

Re: Is syntax a dead issue?

2022-07-25 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Just curious : why do you use "read from file F for 1 line" ? Instead, why don't you read the file in one go, load the content into a variable and then use "for each line j in myVar" ? Wouldn't that run faster ? Best, jbv Le 2022-07-25 02:42, Geoff Canyon via use-livecode a écrit : As a meta p

[semi-OT] PDF on the fly

2022-09-14 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a web site on which end users can select several options, and then click a button "show PDF", and a pdf containing various contents from a remote DB with a sophisticated layout is built server side in a second and automatically downloaded. The link of the button is something like

Re: [semi-OT] PDF on the fly

2022-09-14 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi guys, Thank you for your answers. No matter what I try, the problem remains the same on Safari. My LC script runs on my on-rev account, and it uses LC 9.6. Could this really be the problem ? Best, jbv ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecode@list

Re: [semi-OT] PDF on the fly

2022-09-15 Thread jbv via use-livecode
ith put header instead of put new header. put new header "Content-Disposition: attachment; FileName=" & "justsomeText.txt" put URL("binfile:" & "justsomeText.txt") ?> Which version of Safari do you have? Am 14.09.2022 um 22:44 schrieb jbv via

Ignoring accented characters

2022-09-16 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, Is there a way to ignore accented characters in LC, like in mySQL for instance ? Here's an example : I need these 2 array items below to be considered as 1 single entity : add 1 to myArray["interprétation"] add 1 to myArray["interpretation"] Of course, I can write a function that re

Re: Ignoring accented characters

2022-09-27 Thread jbv via use-livecode
y incorporates the necessary tables already. Putting text through html entities is not a perfect solution to implementing a "stripDiacritics" function, because e.g. you might render "—" as "m"; but as far as I know, currently it's either that or encode your own ta

LC -> Applescript -> Chrome

2022-10-10 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a stack that interacts with Chrome via Applescript. It has been running fine for months. Suddenly, one command line began to stall the whole process, with the spinning wheel spinning forever. And when I run the same Applescript in the script editor, it still runs fine as before.

Re: LC -> Applescript -> Chrome

2022-10-11 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi Richard, Thank you for your reply. Actually it's kind of weird : after running the script a few times in the Applescript editor, it started to work again in LC... May be it was something in my setup, I don't know. Best, Le 2022-10-11 15:27, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode a écrit : jbv wrot

Re: LC -> Applescript -> Chrome

2022-10-13 Thread jbv via use-livecode
If anyone's interested, I think I have found the cause of my problem with Applescript in LC, and more specifically with the "click at" command. For months I've been using MouseTools as Terminal/shell application to emulate keyboard and/or mouse events. AFAIK MouseTools is pretty old and hasn't bee

PHP -> curl -> LC

2022-10-16 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, In several of my web projects, I have a main php script that triggers various LC scripts for specific tasks that are often easier to code in xTalk. To trigger those LC scripts I use curl and urls in the form : But very often, the php and LC

Re: PHP -> curl -> LC

2022-10-18 Thread jbv via use-livecode
think this can be done using the. [dot]htaccess file at the root of the website. I’ll try to dig up an example. On Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 11:22 jbv via use-livecode <> wrote: Hi list, In several of my web projects, I have a main php script that triggers various

Re: Processing WAV file sample data

2022-10-18 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi, I have been working on something similar : a stack that reads samples from wav mono files and displays waveforms in a graphic control. It works on Mac & Windows, but I haven't used it for a year, and AFAIR the code isn't too clean... Le 2022-10-18 07:10, Peter Reid via use-livecode a écrit 

itemoffset & wholematches

2022-11-14 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a variable with a content of 3 lines as follows : 1 sombre brunprofond 2 flouincertain 3 inexploré mystérieux inconnu The separator between words is tab. I want to check if a certain word is among the items as a whole. The following script r

Re: itemoffset & wholematches

2022-11-15 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi guys, Thank you all for your answers. Actually I thought that some "hierarchy"remained (items inside lines) when using itemoffset, but obviously I was wrong. I have about 6 variables to check, so I need my script to be as fast as possible. I use "replace CR with TAB & CR & TAB in ...", but

Re: itemoffset & wholematches

2022-11-15 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Again guys, thank you for your suggestions. But finally I gave up using itemoffset and worked with arrays instead, which is much much faster : my script processes the 6 variables in less than 15 secs. ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecode@list

Lock screen and animated gif

2022-12-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a script that modifies line by line the color and textstyle of some words in a field that can be up to 500 lines long. I am using "lock screen" to speed up things. But at the same time I have a spinning animated gif to tell end users to wait until the modification is done. The prob

Re: Lock screen and animated gif

2022-12-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Do you mean "lock screen without messages" ? Doesn't work... Le 2022-12-20 07:27, Richmond Mathewson via use-livecode a écrit : Try 'without messages'. On Tue, 20 Dec 2022, 13:26 jbv via use-livecode, <> wrote: Hi list, I have a sc

Re: Lock screen and animated gif

2022-12-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2022-12-20 08:19, Brian Milby via use-livecode a écrit : Could you make changes to htmlText in a variable and then assign all at once back to the field? I thought of that, but it makes other parts of the script more complicated. Finally I will chose a different strategy : instead of an ani

Re: Lock screen and animated gif

2022-12-20 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Thanks for the offer, but actually things are a bit more complicated and include several steps : 1- the user selects different options on a modal stack 2- the user clicks a "search" button 3- various calculations are made client side according to the selections and some data already in the main st

Just curious...

2022-12-28 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I'm having a look at the Activity Monitor on my iMac 27" running MacOS 10.15.7. I have LC 9.6.8 IDE open with a rather simple stack waiting for a button to be clicked. When I check the "Energy" tag of the Activity Monitor, and more specifically the "Energy Impact", it shows a variation b

.mov files in a standalone on Windows

2023-01-08 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I am using LC 9.6.8 on Mac. I have a couple of .mov files that I want to include in a stack that will end up as a standalone running on windows. I haven't done that in years. What is the best way to proceed, to be sure that each video and its sound track will play fine on windows ? BTW a

Re: .mov files in a standalone on Windows

2023-01-08 Thread jbv via use-livecode
r on Windows LC 9.6.8 uses). See On 1/8/2023 1:53 PM, jbv via use-livecode wrote: Hi list, I am using LC 9.6.8 on Mac. I have a couple of .mov files that I want to include in a stack that will end up as a standalone running on windows. I haven't done th

Re: Training the AI to write better LiveCode

2023-01-21 Thread jbv via use-livecode ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your

Re: Training the AI to write better LiveCode

2023-01-22 Thread jbv via use-livecode ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and man

Re: Livecode Hosting

2023-02-28 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hello, I just had a look at their offer, and it really looks interesting, especially the possibility to choose the location of your server (Europe, usa...). But what about their technical support ? On-rev tech support quality is hard to beat... Thanks. jbv Le 2023-02-28 05:33, Georges Malamoud

Re: Livecode Hosting

2023-02-28 Thread jbv via use-livecode
fast. So in case you have to deal with the european GDPR you have to use a provider that hosts in the EU. Am 28.02.2023 um 12:44 schrieb jbv via use-livecode : Hello, I just had a look at their offer, and it really looks interesting, especially the possibility to choose the location of your s

Re: I need to fetch some text from a WP website, but need to login first

2023-03-01 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hello, The WP REST API can be really slow and therefore painful to use. I recently had to make changes in a couple of WP websites and found it much easier to write data straight into the DB. jbv Le 2023-02-28 18:57, pere xavier Rossello via use-livecode a écrit : Hi. The easy way to do this i

Livecode / MariaDB UTF8 charset

2023-03-15 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I am struggling to configure the charset of a mySQL/MariaDB table on my Livecode Hosting account. I have a huge number of utf8 files containing names in various alphabets (european, cyrillic, japanese, chinese, arabic...) and I need to insert each name as a separate entry in the table. W

How to split a large xml file

2023-04-01 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a 75Go xml file that I need to process, and therefore need to split it into smaller files. I tried to do that with LC, reading successive chunks of 5 lines with an endless loop and save them in successive files, but it crashes LC (9.6.9 on OSX 10.15) every time before finishin

Re: How to split a large xml file

2023-04-02 Thread jbv via use-livecode
a champ in opening them and scrolling through them easily. Kee Nethery On Apr 1, 2023, at 5:17 AM, jbv via use-livecode wrote: Hi list, I have a 75Go xml file that I need to process, and therefore need to split it into smaller files. I tried to do that with LC, reading successive chunks of 5

revXML and UTF8

2023-04-10 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have an xml file with lots of non-western characters (greek, arabic, japanese...). I need to convert these data into sql requests to insert into a DB. For each node, I need to pick only some attributes, so I wrote a script that : - opens the file as utf8 - processes each node - writes

Re: revXML and UTF8

2023-04-10 Thread jbv via use-livecode
dictionary. Text from or to a file needs to be decoded or encoded since LC 7. On 4/10/2023 4:07 AM, jbv via use-livecode wrote: Hi list, I have an xml file with lots of non-western characters (greek, arabic, japanese...). I need to convert these data into sql requests to insert into a DB. For each

mySQL and primary key

2023-04-29 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a mySQL table with 1350 entries that weights almost 20 Gb. I need to create a primary key on the "id" column. I have tried in phpMyAdmin as well as in a script with "ALTER TABLE myTable ADD PRIMARY KEY(id)", but each time I get a "504 Gateway Timeout" error, and no index is cr

[semi OT] mySQL question

2023-05-11 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, This is a question for mySQL experts, which I am not. I have a table of individuals. I have another table of companies. Many individuals have worked in more than 1 company with different jobs descriptions. I need to build my DB so that, with single requests, I can get a list of either

Re: [semi OT] mySQL question

2023-05-12 Thread jbv via use-livecode Website: On May 11, 2023, at 9:55 AM, jbv via use-livecode wrote: Hi list, This is a question for mySQL experts, which I am not. I have a table of individuals. I have another table of companies. Many individuals have worked in more than 1 company

LC server, on-rev and time zones

2023-09-06 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, How do you handle different time zones in server scripts ? For example, I and my clients are in Europe, so dates and times need to be consistent with the local time zone. But on-rev servers are located in the US East coast, so there is presently a 6 hours difference. Furthermore, switchi

Re: LC server, on-rev and time zones

2023-09-06 Thread jbv via use-livecode
o true €put the time ?> Am 06.09.2023 um 15:22 schrieb jbv via use-livecode : Hi list, How do you handle different time zones in server scripts ? For example, I and my clients are in Europe, so dates and times need to be consistent with the local time zone. But on-rev servers are located in t

revXML and UTF-8

2023-09-17 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a text file encoded in UTF-8. Each line of the file is an xml node with several sub-nodes and attributes. I have a loop in LC that reads lines one by one and creates an xml tree with revXMLCreateTree. The goal is to parse each line and extract some data. The problem is that, whe

Re: revXML and UTF-8

2023-09-17 Thread jbv via use-livecode
ds for not being Unicode compatible (at least none I know of). In my opinion, bugs with no work-around should be among LC's higher priorities for bug fixes. On 9/17/2023 8:32 AM, jbv via use-livecode wrote: Hi list, I have a text file encoded in UTF-8. Each line of the file is an xml n

Re: Top things you are waiting for ....

2023-11-12 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi, My top priority : "rev" libraries (revXML, revZIP, perhaps others) to be fully Unicode compatible. I do a lot of stuff with LC server, and for the moment, my only choice is to use php instead for some tasks. Le 2023-11-11 17:43, Tom Glod via use-livecode a écrit : Hey everyone Just a mar

Best way to lock a whole mySQL table ?

2024-01-07 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a mySQL table with over a million rows and I would like to lock the data so that no inserts nor updates are possible, only reads via select commands. I have read the doc as well as numerous blogs, and as far as I understand, the following command LOCK TABLES myTable WRITE; locks th

Code translation anyone ?

2024-03-15 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, Has anyone tried to translate code from 1 version to another, or from 1 language to another ? Like from php 5 to php 8, or from php to LC ? My question concerns mainly server scripts. Thanks, jbv ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecode@lis

Re: Code translation anyone ?

2024-03-15 Thread jbv via use-livecode
One detail I forgot in my question : code translation using ChatGPT or any other AI. Thanks, jbv Le 2024-03-15 10:36, jbv via use-livecode a écrit : Hi list, Has anyone tried to translate code from 1 version to another, or from 1 language to another ? Like from php 5 to php 8, or from php to

Re: Code translation anyone ?

2024-03-15 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2024-03-15 12:28, Christer Pyyhtiä via use-livecode a écrit : Have you tried OpenAi or Gemini? Once just for fun tried asking OpenAI to create a structure for a problem using LiveCode, and the result was acceptable giving a coarse structure for the solving the problem. Yes, I have tried Ch

Saving data in standalone

2024-05-16 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I am working on an app for a client who will use it as a standalone. Basically users will be able to import data such as images, text and even html from various sources. All these data will self organize in different groups that the user will be able to select, move around and organise in

Groups id #

2024-05-25 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a script that creates groups on the fly with the command "group". These groups contain various flds and imgs. Can I always assume that the group with the highest id # is the last one created ? Thanks, jbv ___ use-livecode mailing list u

Hierarchical submenus in option menu buttons

2024-05-31 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I am trying to create a hierarchical submenu in an option menu button with LC 9.6. I have found this solution that seems to work only with pulldown buttons : I also found this LC lesson that suggests to use polylists : ht

Different borders for a group

2024-06-13 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, Is there a way to have different border widths and colors for the top and the bottom of a group ? Or should I include graphic lines inside the group ? Thank you in advance. jbv ___ use-livecode mailing list Pleas

Copying groups

2024-06-21 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Hi list, I have a single card stack containing several groups, each group containing several fields and images. I need to copy these groups to a substack. I use : copy grp tname of cd 1 of this stack to cd 1 of stack myTarget The weird thing is that all groups are copied, but the text content of

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