I’ve just installed LiveCode 8.1.1 and I’ve come across an anomaly with the
clipboard in Mac OS X 10.9.5.
When I populate the clipboard with a return-delimited list using this line the results paste correctly into Nisus
Writer Pro but paste into Excel with an extra blank line between lines, and
When I clone a graphic (an 8 by 8 pixel oval) in LiveCode 8.1.1 the copy comes
out at the default size for a new oval, 120 by 120. That would not be a clone,
in my opinion. Is it correct behaviour?
use-livecode mailing list
Seems to me that if the current restriction on the result of “clone” is
intended to prevent possible problems when tools palette is being used then a
very bad design decision was made. A solution should not affect what happens
when the user clones an abject that is already in the stack.
The scr
I'm playing with displaying pdf notes in a browser object and I would like to
respond to the user clicking on text in the pdf and to the scroll reaching
certain points.
Is there any way to know ow far a pdf file in a browser has been scrolled? Any
way to know what might have been clicked?
that is
a shame.
Oh well. Notes on paper it will be.
If you?re using a browser object, I believe this is what you want:
put revBrowserGet(theBrowserId, ?vscroll") into theVScrollAmount
Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX/UI Design
On Jan 21, 2015, at 10:05 PM, Mic
I'm trying to paste data from MS Excel into a table in my Livecode stack
without success. I suspect that either OSX or Excel have added unwelcome
I used to be able to just paste, but nowadays (Excel 2011 Mac OSX 10.7.4) the
data come in as a long string, with six spaces where a r
Excel doesn't like the line endings that Livecode puts into the
clipboardData["text"] and renders the lines as if they were double spaced.
I have asked once before what magic wand to wave to fix the problem, but I
forgot the answer and googling was entirely unsuccessful (although I found that