Any ideas on how I can recognize when a user presses the headset button on a
Bluetooth or USB headset?
I doubt I can do that directly in LiveCode but perhaps with an External for OS
(Macintosh, Windows, IOS and/or Android)?
Bill Vlahos
Yes. Glad to see you back.
Bill Vlahos
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 10, 2016, at 2:25 PM, stephen barncard
> wrote:
> good to see you here again, Jerry.
> sqb
> Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA -
>> On Sun, Jul 10,
How can I program the new MacBook Pro Touch Bar?
I’ll be getting my new MacBook Pro in a couple of days and I haven’t seen any
discussion on the new touch bar.
Does it show up as a display?
Bill Vlahos
use-livecode mailing list
easy to do and you
can put as many scripts in it as you want.
This is how InfoWallet works. Standalone (you distribute) + Program stack
(downloads) + User Data Stacks (where user data is).
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
Here is an early Black Friday special that will be permanent.
InfoWallet is free (as in beer) to everyone. Share and enjoy.
A big thank you to the LiveCode community and especially Geoff Canyon for all
your help over the years.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet (http
How exciting! The best to you and your family.
Bill Vlahos
Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 27, 2014, at 12:14 PM, Monte Goulding
> wrote:
> Hi Folks
> We just had a baby so I won't be able to get to mergExt related questions for
> a few days. Rebecca(mum) and
Attendees are encouraged to bring something to share - it can be a brief
presentation, a problem you need help solving, or even just any question about
We hope to see everyone there.
Bill Vlahos and Richard Gaskin
I want to have my LiveCode application receive an AppleScript command with
parameters from another application and then have my program execute the
I can send an AppleScript to another program with LiveCode but I don’t see any
examples of how to receive them.
Bill Vlahos
I chose #3: eliminate the trial version completely and only
sell a version that is unprotected so it works on all versions of LiveCode.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
lcTaskList: (
RunRev lcTaskList Forum: (
I’m glad you are getting comfortable with this. I know it has been a struggle.
> On Jan 6, 2015, at 10:52 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> Thanks for the input.
> I think I'm homing in on how to do this.
> My web site will have 3-4 videos on the main features of the pro
particular web page does NOT automatically put the cursor in
the search field.
I’m guessing it is a javascript that does this.
Bill Vlahos
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and
ound entries.
The page source shows this as the form:
Bill Vlahos
> On Mar 4, 2015, at 3:07 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:
> If the page isn't too complicated and you can figure out how things are
> being sent.. (easy if the page works with GET requests.. jus
27;ve submitted it as a bug report Bug 14953 to LiveCode.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
lcTaskList: (
RunRev lcTaskList Forum:
theSlug for contributing the initial Outlook for Macintosh code.
Bill Vlahos
Author InfoWallet and lcTaskList
InfoWallet (
lcTaskList: (
RunRev lcTaskList Forum: (
> Warm regards,
> Ben
> On 14 March 2015 at 14:40, Bill Vlahos wrote:
>> I already had LC 8.0.0 DP1 installed and lcTaskList worked fine.
>> When I opened LiveCode today the auto updater wanted to update to what
>> appears
know if LiveCode is doing this or the Windows 7 PC (64bit) is. The PC
has 8 GB RAM.
I suspect it is the PC memory management that is doing this as LiveCode loads
everything in RAM.
Is there a way for me to test what is causing this?
Is there a way to prevent this?
Bill Vlahos
There is a Mac app that makes it easy. Probably other platforms as well. What I
don't see is comments and discussions.
Bill Vlahos
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 1, 2015, at 5:30 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Colin Holgate wrote:
> > For just going there and downloa
de?USAreaCode="; & vAC &&
Bill Vlahos
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
> Buy my new book "Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner"
> LiveCode on Facebook:
> On 5/31/2015 18:29, Bill Vlahos wrote:
>>put "805" into vAC
My apologies. Mark and Klaus both came up with the correct solution.
When I copied/pasted from the email it must have picked up a something extra
that made it not work.
I tried it again and it works fine.
Thank you,
Bill Vlahos
> On May 31, 2015, at 9:59 AM, Mark Schonewille
I’ve been playing around with the revSpeech commands to do text to speech. It
works pretty well to get the computer to play the sound through the speakers.
How can I create a .wav sound file?
Thank you,
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your
I do want this on a Mac. This looks like a viable option using AppleScript.
Thank you,
Bill Vlahos
> On Jun 25, 2015, at 9:48 AM, tbodine wrote:
> Hi Bill.
> I don't know if that's doable within Livecode. If not, perhaps you can use
> an external
t;> if no one else posts it.
>> --
>> Kind regards,
>> Mark Schonewille
>> Economy-x-Talk
>> Http://
>> Share the clipboard of your computer over a local network with Clipboard
>> Link http://clipboardl
I’m involved with a couple of MeetUp groups. My experience is similar to yours
regarding the lack of attendance even when people confirm they are coming.
Bill Vlahos
> On Aug 9, 2015, at 7:21 AM, Martin Koob wrote:
> I set up a meet-up group page in Toronto
providing web hosting. Also thanks to the many LiveCoders who have purchased it.
Bill Vlahos <> Get it while you can.
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to sub
and capture the hilited text for my program.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
lcTaskList: (
RunRev lcTaskList Forum: (http
This is terrific. I forgot about services. My immediate need will probably be
accommodated with this, although it will be great to have Trevor’s external as
well so I have the option to do something more expansive.
Thank you,
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet (http
explicitly defining the path or
asking the user to find the navigate to the application and I store the path?
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
lcTaskList: (http
4 at 1:12 AM, Bill Vlahos wrote:
>> I want to sent a command line command to a Windows executable to pass
>> information and a command to it so that the application dials the phone
>> number I send it (it is a telephony application). The command works fine if
>> I speci
the shellCommand to “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Start Menu\Programs”
put shell (“dir”) into field “one”
end mouseUp
Bill Vlahos
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
I was able to get a dir listing but not at the correct folder.
The example I used was to get a directory listing from shell. What I really
want to do is send “cmd=show” to the mxie.lnk (shortcut to the application) in
the path “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Start Menu\Programs\Zultys MX\ .
If I navi
I’m beginning to think that what I want to do is impossible. I’ve tried all the
suggestions and they all fail.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
lcTaskList: (http
limitation of the launch command.
Thanks for the timely posting.
Bill Vlahos
On Jun 30, 2014, at 1:21 PM, Magicgate Software - Skip Kimpel
> Got it working. Ended up with this to get it working:
> launch "c:/Program Files (x86)/MyProgram/file.exe /P
> ""
which is not what I’m looking for.
Bill Vlahos
On Jun 30, 2014, at 7:03 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:
> Skip,
> This is great. I’ve been struggling with this for a couple of weeks now
> without success.
> This works for me when I point to a .exe file but not if I point
er to dial
get shell(quote & vLink & quote) —execute the shell command
Thanks everyone.
Bill Vlahos
On Jun 30, 2014, at 10:38 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
> Bill-
> Monday, June 30, 2014, 7:03:25 PM, you wrote:
>> The cmd window in Windows7 supports
when does your app read or write to disk? Reduce or eliminate any
reading or writing to disk to reduce the performance penalty.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
I encourage everyone who would like the notes to be updated to do so yourself
by adding comments to the dictionary items.
This is a great feature of the documentation. Just scroll all the way down on a
dictionary entry.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is
I want to have a different program pass a parameter (in this case a callerID
phone number) to my LC application via a shell command to do a search in and
bring up a person’s record.
How can I receive it and handle it?
Bill Vlahos
then call a
handler in my app to do a search..
I don’t see what my handler would look like in my app.
Bill Vlahos
On Sep 10, 2014, at 10:57 AM, Michael Doub wrote:
> Look up $ in the dictionary. You can get access to all of the environment
> variables for command line apps. I
--display dialog "Event " & eID & " of Calendar " & cID
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Calendar"
keystroke "i" using command down
end tell
end tell
Bill Vlahos
the applet. In my case the LiveCode app is sending
the script. There is no applet in the traditional sense. I wonder if pointing
it to the LiveCode engine would do the same thing.
Thanks for the feedback and confirmation. I’ll ask LiveCode support about it.
Bill Vlahos
On Oct 1, 2014, at 11:29 AM
Thanks everyone. It turns out that RunRev knows about the issue:
Richard, I will be at the meeting tonight and as my contribution topic for the
meeting. See you there.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about
One important addition on this…
The performance issue is only in the IDE. Standalone's performance is good!
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
is that I don’t have a licensed copy of Outlook on the Mac. I have
the beginnings based on the AppleScript dictionary.
If anyone would like to take what I have done and add the same thing for
Outlook I would appreciate it. Just let me know.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet (http
Well that is why I don’t own it. However, many companies like yours insist on
it which is why I want to be able to show how to integrate with it.
On Oct 5, 2014, at 12:14 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
> Bill-
> Sunday, October 5, 2014, 11:39:25 AM, you wrote:
>> My problem is that I
I have a volunteer for assistance.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
lcTaskList: (
RunRev lcTaskList Forum: (http
I agree that it would be a very nice feature to have. It would save time having
to create the graphics workarounds described in this thread.
Bill Vlahos
On Oct 5, 2014, at 1:42 PM, Paul Dupuis wrote:
> I think what was being asked here is "why shouldn't the roundRadius
Testing the list server. I sent a message last night but I don't see it.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
use-livecode ma
Before I reinvent the wheel, has anyone written a routine to generate passwords
that they would be willing to share?
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure
licks. Your function generates very random strings
which might be too random for a user to remember on their own.
I didn't know you can just specify "repeat theLength".
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
Also thanks to Bjornke and Chris for your suggestions too.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Apr 27, 2011, at 4:35 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:
> Mark,
> Nice.
Of course they become less speakable if you have to include special characters
(@#$%&*) and include upper and lower case which are often required complexities
of strong passwords. :)
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important
exit closeField
end if
end if
pass closeField
end closeField
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
It is in the dictionary under "is a" and "is not a". Date is one of the many
* date if it is in one of the formats produced by the date or time
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping
o the dialog doesn't
really work if the user wants to try it again.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On May 3, 2011, at 9:40 PM, Terry Judd wrote:
> On 04/05/2011 02
Interesting idea. I hadn't thought of it before.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On May 4, 2011, at 7:52 AM, Nonsanity wrote:
> Just a comment on user in
How do I test for the "dialog" condition? I don't see anything in the
dictionary for it.
Funny thing is I always get the answer dialog after I go to the new card even
though it should execute it first.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( i
I have a test stack that doesn't match what I see in my stack but this test
stack doesn't work right either. Looks like it is going to take a bit to figure
out. I'll send you one if I can figure it out.
Bill Vlahos
On May 5, 2011, at 8:43 PM, Jim Ault wrote:
Nope. They do more or less the same thing.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On May 6, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Peter Brigham MD wrote:
> Is there some reason you use "focus o
is a date then
answer error "Not a valid date. Retry?" with "No" or "Yes"
if it is "Yes" then send "selectMe" to me in 0 seconds
end if
pass closeField
end closeField
on selectMe
wait for messages
go to car
ny mounted servers so I
want to restrict the search to just the user's drive.
Bill Vlahos
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
ving the name "Thunderbird" in the path.
Bill Vlahos
On May 11, 2011, at 2:51 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> I wouldn't try to search for it if I were you. Just check for the OS and
> conditionally set the path accordingly. If it could be ANYWHERE, than that
> begs the question,
Thanks. I can narrow it down. This is very helpful.
Bill Vlahos
On May 11, 2011, at 3:11 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:
> If you can narrow down the places to search, you can do this with a shell
> command. You could technically do the whole drive, but it would be way too
> s
Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions. I was able to incorporate them in
the new release of InfoWallet.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and s
Thinking out loud here.
Could you take an off-screen snapshot of the formatted list and then just
scroll the image at whatever speed you want?
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure
/hiding it
or without resizing my stack to accommodate the image?
Bill Vlahos
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
Not what I'm looking for but this is very cool.
Bill Vlahos
On Jun 1, 2011, at 1:48 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
> These are actually grouped objects kept within the rect of the window.
> Perhaps not what you want.
> On 1 June 2011 13:45, stephen bar
Thanks. Yes this is good.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Jun 1, 2011, at 4:22 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
> I came up with this test stack.
> go
I have a stack that uses the windowshape property so it no longer has the title
bar. What is the handler I should use to allow the user to drag the stack
around? I have a background image that the user could click and drag for moving
the window.
Bill Vlahos
As Richard Gaskin would say, "It works a treat."
Thank you,
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Jun 2, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
> Bill
I want it to open in front over everything and be ready for button clicks.
What is wrong?
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> Homepage:
> Twitter:
> KvK: 50277553
> New: Download the Installer Maker Plugin 1.6 for LiveCode here
> On 22 jun 2011, at 22:10, Bill Vla
I retested it and the windowshape property doesn't matter. It must be something
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 22, 2011, at 6:47 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:
> I set it in the IDE before saving the standalone.
> Bill
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun
rogram but that doesn't work either.
Any ideas?
Bill Vlahos
On Jun 22, 2011, at 7:50 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:
> I retested it and the windowshape property doesn't matter. It must be
> something else.
> Bill
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 22, 2011, at 6:47
Good suggestion.
Thank you,
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Jun 23, 2011, at 4:54 PM, Terry Judd wrote:
> On 24/06/2011 09:16 AM, "Bill Vlahos" w
It does do that but I don't want it to float above everything.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Jun 23, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Jim Sims wrote:
> On Jun 24,
Iconmenu doesn't show up in the dictionary. How can I find more information on
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Jun 23, 2009, at 4:12 AM, jim sims wrote:
Thanks for the info to Mark too.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Jun 26, 2011, at 10:42 AM, Shao Sean wrote:
> Page 28 of the release notes
sizes the window manually.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit
ut "Move or resize" into field "one"
end moveStack
Is there a more elegant way to detect simultaneous messages?
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Jul
It seems to me like LC already knows what the zoombox is supposed to do and
just does it. I was hoping there would be a specific message generated for it.
Maybe they just did the expected behavior instead of generating a message.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet (http
ents but I don't know how to see
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Jul 16, 2011, at 8:01 PM, wrote:
> A movestack message is also sent. No
convert tDate to seconds
convert asOf to seconds
if tDate <= asOf then add 1 to tAge
return tAge
end if
end calcAge
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure
I believe auto-save only works on applications that specifically support the
new API.
Bill Vlahos
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 20, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Andre wrote:
>> I don't like lion or the new scrollbars... :-(
> For better o
I'm glad you like InfoWallet. Thanks for the kind words.
This code originally came from this awesome list.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Jul 20, 2011, at 9:
I use it in InfoWallet and It is terrific but it isn't available any longer.
Bill Vlahos
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 21, 2011, at 5:00 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
>> But don't forget that the modifiedMark property only showed up in LC 4.6,
>> and Charles said he's using
Yes apps built in 4.0 will work.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Jul 27, 2011, at 2:07 PM, Charles Szasz wrote:
> Will Mac apps made with Rev 4.0 run on Lion? Or d
Either work on Lion. If you only care about Lion then use the Intel build as
Lion won't run on PPC Macs anyway. This is also true for Snow Leopard.
Unless you don't care about older Macs use the Universal build and you will be
Bill Vlahos
Actually you can have folders.
1. Hold your finger on an icon until they all quiver
2. Drag an icon(s) on top of another one and it will make a folder of them.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you
g the dialog box (either as sheet or
I expected a dialog box to trigger the system notification manager. On the Mac
that would be to bounce the dock icon. I thought I read how LC can do this but
I can't find it.
Any help would be appreciated.
Bill Vlahos
suppose I could continually update some flag with the on suspend and on
resume handlers but that seems pretty inelegant.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure
Yes I actually have the ssMacExternal from Shao Sean and it works great.
I thought I had seen that LC can do this itself and, of course, the external
only works on Mac.
Unfortunately she has taken the external off the market.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet (http
Yes it does and has for a long time.
put the cipherNames
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Aug 2, 2011, at 2:56 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> Speaking of which, does Livecode
the SQL column used to store it need to be binary?
> Bob
> On Aug 3, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Bill Vlahos wrote:
>> Yes it does and has for a long time.
>> put the cipherNames
>> Bill Vlahos
>> _
>> InfoWal
and delete any that contain
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important life
information with you, accessible, and secure.
On Aug 4, 2011, at 1:34 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
> Bob, Jacque,
> Thanks. Perhap
Have you restarted the Mac or repaired permissions? It sounds like the Mac is
blocking the app somehow.
Bill Vlahos
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 9, 2011, at 12:07 PM, Lars Brehmer wrote:
> I have a stack/standalone that I have been working with for months. Suddenly
> I cannot open it
Correct. It has to be a separate file - either a separate stack or text file.
Bill Vlahos
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 11, 2011, at 7:29 AM, Gregory Lypny wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> My apologies in advance for the lame question but I need a little refresher
> as it has been age
esn't seem to
have this problem but that could be that it just does it quick enough.
Is there a way to wait with messages or something like that for running a
VBScript or AppleScript?
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet ( is about keeping your
Dictionary destroyStack:
If a stack's destroyStack property is set to true, closing all stacks in its
stack file removes it from memory space, cleaning up after the stack and
freeing memory for use by the application.
Bill Vlahos
InfoWallet (http://www.infowall
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