Linux file names in LC Server

2023-08-13 Thread Neville Smythe via use-livecode
As we know with LC it is pretty straightforward to deal with internationalised text for remote databases and unknown user platforms by conversion to utf-8. But I have come across a problem with Linux filenames containing non-ascii characters which has me befuddled. My many-years-old app has unt

LC 9.6.9 App uses too much memory!

2023-08-13 Thread harrison--- via use-livecode
Hi LiveCoders, I just got a warning from the OS that I was out of application memory. Livecode was using over 90 GB of memory! The stack runs fine under LC 9.6.8 without any issues whatsoever, but as soon as I open it with LC 9.6.9 the problem reappears. (I have to use force quit to shut down L

Re: Linux filenames in LC Server

2023-08-13 Thread Neville Smythe via use-livecode
OK, so the macOS *is* using utf-8 for its file names - the [e-acute] in the filename Carré.txt is rendered with two bytes [C3A9] not the single byte MacRoman encoding. I got tricked by copying the terminal listing into another program rather than hex dumping within the terminal, and somewhere in

Oddities with iOS IAP

2023-08-13 Thread Dan Friedman via use-livecode
I am getting some inconsistent results with in in app purchases from the iOS App Store. In the TestFlight dev environment, the purchase “seems” to be complete… I get all the normal iOS prompts to purchase the product, enter the password, etc. I even get the “You’re All Set. Your purchase wa