On 2023-04-15 12:13, Neville Smythe via use-livecode wrote:
Is it possible to direct LC to use a custom version of sqlite3 rather
than its default?
I ask because the installed version of sqlite which come installed with
macOS, and which I assume LC uses when it initialises its database
Thanks to this list, I know about "do in widget" that can cause some
javascript to be evaluated in the current page in the browser widget. Which is
But how do I get (into LiveCode) the result of a javascript expression?
Hi Ben,
> Am 17.04.2023 um 16:37 schrieb Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode
> :
> Thanks to this list, I know about "do in widget" that can cause some
> javascript to be evaluated in the current page in the browser widget. Which
> is great.
> But how do I get (into LiveCode) the result of a
Thanks Klaus, I tried both of those!
So for example I can execute
do "alert(document.title)" in widget "browser"
and see the expected string in an alert box. But
do "document.title" in widget "browser"; put it
do "document.title" in widget "browser"; put the result
Thank you very much Richard! I will check if what you say works well and
I will let you know.
On 4/14/23 15:13, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
Hello Heriberto -
I haven't run the old LC/ARM-Linux build in so long I have no idea how
well it works anymore. It was created as
Hi Ben,
> Am 17.04.2023 um 17:17 schrieb Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode
> :
> Thanks Klaus, I tried both of those!
> So for example I can execute
> do "alert(document.title)" in widget "browser"
> and see the expected string in an alert box. But
> do "document.title" in widget "br
That is excellent news Mark, thank you.
Mark Waddingham wrote...
> The version of sqlite we use is compiled in to the dbsqlite driver and
> thus is independent of any installed libraries. We've already got a
> pending request (https://quality.livecode.com/show_bug.cgi?id=24051) to
> update i