comma delimited or cr delimited, without looking it up, I am sure it is
in the right format since it work 99.99% of the time.
The names that would be in the column list all go through a name check
function. That function prevents names that are all spaces, longer than
255 characters, or are a
My certificates are stored under Login in my Keychain. I created them using
Xcode (Preferences/Account) and Xcode installed them directly in Login.
So give it a try and move (if this is possible) the certs to Login or just
delete the 2 and reinstall them.
If you still run into a problem then c
I believe there is a property you set, after which you programmatically control
the population of the datagrid. I am in a hurry so I can't look it up right
now, but it is in the datagrid API in livecode lessons.
Bob S
> On Aug 9, 2022, at 05:09 , Paul Dupuis via use-livecode
> wrote:
> I
I am in need of a control to display a table of numbers. The top ROW are
column labels (text, sometimes up to 255 characters). The left COLUMN is
row labels (text, sometime up to 255 characters). I'd like a widget that:
1) Can display this with the top row (or headers) fixed so they remain
I am trying to upload an AAB to Google Play Condole and I am getting this error:
"Your app currently targets API level 30 and must target at least API level 31
to ensure it is built on the latest APIs optimized for security and
performance. Change your app's target API level to at least 31."
Hello Dan,
This is a new requirement of the Google Play Store, i.e. new apps should
target Android API 31. We are preparing a build of LC 9.6.9 RC-1 that among
other bugfixes includes support for API31 too, it is currently in testing
and should be good for release very soon. If you are urgently af
THANK YOU for the quick reply and the information! If we're talking days or
early next week, I can probably wait. Anything later than that and I'll need
something to give my client.
Thank you!
On 8/9/22, 11:47 AM, "use-livecode on behalf of panagiotis m via use-livecode"