I just built an app for Android in 9.5.6. I am finding that JSONToArray()
isn't working. I built the same app in 9.5.4, and JSONToArray() works just
fine. (Yes, I have "JSON Library" selected in the Inclusions in the Standalone
Application Settings). Is this a bug or is JSONToArray() no lo
So I take it there are no docs?
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
On December 4, 2021 3:03:35 PM "J. Landman Gay via use-livecode"
Where is the documentation for the project browser? There's nothing in the
User Gui
I found a lesson on it but it doesn't say what the dotted outline around
some cards means.
A full explanation of the project browser should be in the user guide. I
didn't think to check the lessons until today and newcomers may not even
know the lessons exist. If the full documentation is too