Re: use-livecode Digest, Vol 219, Issue 1

2021-12-01 Thread Robert Earp via use-livecode
Sorry Jacqueline and Curry, I should have sent an acknowledgement of your previous speedy response to my question. Jacqueline and Bob, in Apple Mail I can only find an option for plain text when composing mail, not receiving mail, but you can choose the font used to display a message. I normal

screen resolution and stack height

2021-12-01 Thread David Glasgow via use-livecode
Hi folks, I have been developing a desktop stack at 1024×760 for a while. Vertical space is becoming increasingly cramped, and I need a bit more. I reckon 40 pixels would do it. Obviously that would break the 4:3 ratio. So am I better reconfiguring for a completely different screen ratio (i

December Archive, Where (4) art Thou?

2021-12-01 Thread Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode
In our last cliffhanging adventure, we saw the November use-lc Archive lurch back to life after a mid-month near-death experience. Yet today another symptom rises from the ashes, gentle reader, to threaten the free world: Where's December? Will