Well . . . this is a sort of side-effect at my fooling around with
If I have a field on a card that has the lockText set to true and
I click outwith the stack that lockText is set to false . . .
I feel this should NOT happen:
Probably because if I click outside a LibreOffice docum
Hi Richmond,
I of course agree that shouldn't happen - but I've not been able to
reproduce it.
I tried :
create new stack
create field
put text into it, then position insertion cursor within that text
(ibeam is flashing)
use Property Inspector to set locktext to true
(ibeam is no lon
I don't have your script handy but didn't you set it to lock on closefield?
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
On November 8, 2021 5:18:06 AM Richmond via use-livecode
Well . . . this is a sort of side-effect at my
One more thing. Function GetNetworkType below will return the network type. The
handler NetworkType will report the status and version.
command NetworkType
if GetNetworkType() = "Sockets" then
answer "tsNet is disabled"
answer "tsNet in use. Version==>"& tsNetVers