Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode
JeeJeeStudio: > I like Livecode a lot, but it has it's limitations, > lot of bugs are not solved. True. Would be more accurate with "yet" added; solving bugs is ongoing! We could also say that many bugs HAVE been solved. Moderate progress. (I know, having been on the front lines of the bug-rep

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread e.beugelaar--- via use-livecode if u dont want headaches. Get Outlook for Android From: use-livecode on behalf of Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2021 11:31:47 AM To: Cc: Curry Kenworthy Sub

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread Richmond via use-livecode
I don't want any headaches, but as I develop on Macintosh and Linux B4X is no good. On 14.02.21 17:29, e.beugelaar--- via use-livecode wrote: if u dont want headaches. Get Outlook for Android From: use-livecode on be

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread ELS Prothero via use-livecode
Curry, Your comments echo some of my experiences with Livecode. In olden times, when I realized that I could significantly improve my students’ learning by enlisting computers, I began with HyperCard, went to Supercard, and when it failed at cross platform, I went to Macromedia Director. I’ve

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread J. Landman Gay via use-livecode
There is a whole lot more at While these aren't videos, the amount of info there is impressive and lessons are added all the time. Personally I find written instructions much easier to follow and they don't require me to spend extra time watching a video and needin

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread prothero--- via use-livecode
Folks, a bit more: Both documentation and marketing are huge tasks and keeping even basic documentation current is a big job. A few years ago, I tried the lessons that were produced by the livecode team to help folks create basic Apple apps. In my view, they were a failure. First, they seemed ei

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread matthias rebbe via use-livecode
Every Livecoder who is interested in creating lessons or fixing outdated ones can ask Livecode Support to get access to the Lessons section. Livecode will then create an account and will provide the tools for creating the lessons. At least this was the fact when i asked if i could help. Regard

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread Tore Nilsen via use-livecode
I am currently working as a teacher in an upper secondary school in Norway. I teach Computer Science and languages like English and Norwegian. Besides working as a teacher for more than 20 years, I have also experience from running various businesses. The combination of the two very different, b

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread Richard Gaskin via use-livecode
Bill Prothero wrote: > I would like to see: > Better help files that go deeper. If I gave you a thousand pages of deep material but they were unrelated to your work, would you read them? If I gave you ten pages that completely nailed the subject you've been grappling with, would you kick in

Polygon fill algo?

2021-02-14 Thread Richard Gaskin via use-livecode
I was hoping to use a single polygon draw a box, using the old trick of making discontiguous regions by adding a blank line between lists of points. The results draws the lines as I expected, but the fill is unpredictable, at least for me. Apparently the fill rules for a polygon cause it to n

Re: Polygon fill algo?

2021-02-14 Thread Monte Goulding via use-livecode
Hi Richard Have you checked out the `fillRule` property docs? Cheers Monte > On 15 Feb 2021, at 9:25 am, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode > wrote: > > I was hoping to use a single polygon draw a box, using the old trick of > making discontiguous regions by adding a blank line between lists o

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread Roger Guay via use-livecode
Well, permit me to chime in here with full knowledge that I may be out of date with what’s already available. Arguably the most important feature of LC is its muliplatformness. Recognizing that it is a moving target, We/I need and want up to date easy to use lessons on how to build standalones

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread Roger Guay via use-livecode
I just noticed that the "Codesigning and Notarizing your LC Standalone etc” lesson was updated on Feb 9, 2021. Perhaps I misrepresented the real situation in my previous post. Roger > On Feb 14, 2021, at 2:35 PM, Roger Guay via use-livecode > wrote: > > Well, permit me to chime in here with

Re: Polygon fill algo?

2021-02-14 Thread Richard Gaskin via use-livecode
Thanks, Monte. I checked it out, but unfortunately none of the options handle my specific use case in the way I want (which is arguably an unrealistic expectation, given that I need to have the fill region paint over some vertices). I also discovered what may be a bug, or at least a curiosity

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread William Prothero via use-livecode
Jacqueline: I didn’t know about . Thank you for letting me know of that resource. It looks very useful and I like the user feedback part. To be clear, it is my intent to stimulate thought toward opportunities, not to complain. In a way,

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread J. Landman Gay via use-livecode
I had to check and the lessons are in fact in both the Help and Resources menus but they are called Tutorials. Both link to the lessons site. I never actually looked at those before, I only knew about the lessons from elsewhere and I always use a bookmark to get there. Like you, I don't want t

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread J. Landman Gay via use-livecode
BTW, I like the idea of putting a reference link to the lessons in the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter. It's an easy thing to do and I think it would help. -- Jacqueline Landman Gay | HyperActive Software | On February 15, 2021 12:26:30 A

Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-14 Thread jbv via use-livecode
Le 2021-02-14 20:46, William Prothero via use-livecode a écrit : Jacqueline: I didn’t know about . Thank you for letting me know of that resource. It looks very useful and I like the user feedback part. I find this a bit surprising, bec