Re: Line numbers for soft-wrapped styled text?

2017-04-01 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
Conclusion : I give up :-) We have three 'completed' approaches to the line numbering problem: 1. Jim Lambert's use of decimal-numbered-list style within the field (has the limitation of not allowing the user's text to include list styles, and some aesthetic constraints - but if you can live

Re: Android Build Woes on Mac

2017-04-01 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode
"Oh duh…" you were right… I had deleted my settings in an attempt to see if some corruption there was causing other issues. For some reason LC finds the xCode mobile without going back to the preferences, but not the Android SDK. Now working again, thanks I have it installed in a non-standard

Debugging Session Called on Android Build But Not Set

2017-04-01 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode
--I have unchecked the remoteDebugger in the Standalone builder inclusions list --There are no break point in any stacks --Script debug mode is unchecked in the IDE menus Why does LC prompt me if I want to run remote debugging when I test to Android? LC9dp5 BR __

Transparent Images in LC

2017-04-01 Thread Paul Dupuis via use-livecode
NOTE: I am using LC 6.7.11 for an update to a legacy app. I was trying to import (as a control) a transparent PNG (i.e. the "white" parts allow whatever is underneath to show through) and instead of transparancy, I get the slashed background lines transparent PNG are often displayed with. Thinking

Open Stacks / Stacks in Use All Stack Files Appear in Project Browser as open

2017-04-01 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode
Well, I got my Android test deployment working again, but the app completely dies on the phone now and even if I set a break point on the preopencard of the init script, it will not fire in the debugger. I note something peculiar: If I open myApp.livecode stack: which has stack files set and is

Re: Line numbers for soft-wrapped styled text?

2017-04-01 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Alex T. wrote: > I set out to optimise the 'visibleLineNumber' function, and succeeded > in getting it down to approx 20% of the original version, by: > - reduce from 2 to 1 height calculations per iteration > - convert from recursive to iterative > - use Newton-Raphson style linear interpolation

Re: Line numbers for soft-wrapped styled text?

2017-04-01 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode
On 04/01/2017 09:42 AM, hh via use-livecode wrote: Alex, please think about posting this. It is certainly valuable for other use cases. Agreed, even though I can't use it for my particular case. (I implemented the brilliant idea of listStyle line numbering in a test version of the glx2 scrip

within and scaleFactor

2017-04-01 Thread Dan Friedman via use-livecode
I call this a bug, would you? If the scaleFactor of stack “myStack” is set to 2, then within(stack “myStack”,the screenMouseLoc) only returns true if the mouse is within the rect of stack “myStack” when it’s scaleFactor is set to 1. Hope I explained that logically. Mac 10.12.2, LC 9.0.0 dp 6.

Re: Unicode Reference stack

2017-04-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson via use-livecode
Things just got better! On 3/31/17 10:11 pm, Richmond Mathewson wrote: Here: Richmond. ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe

Cheesed off by 32xxx

2017-04-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson via use-livecode
What a nuisance: There I was, merrily churning through the button titles for my Unicode Reference thing [ ] which needed at least 1600 buttons that were 23 pixels deep layered underneath each other. What happens? At the "Magic Number" of

Re: Cheesed off by 32xxx

2017-04-01 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
I'd create maybe 200 buttons, and change their labels, positions and meanings whenever the vscroll of the menu changes. Something (very vaguely) like on scrollHasChanged put the vScroll of grp "sectionMenu" into temp put temp div 23 into startLine repeat with i = 1 to 200 put fo

Re: Cheesed off by 32xxx

2017-04-01 Thread Scott Rossi via use-livecode
Without knowing exactly what you're trying to accomplish, one way is to display only a few rows of buttons beyond what will fit comfortably on a screen, and when scrolling takes place, "recycle" the rows around to the end (or beginning) with new glyphs applied. Assuming all the characters are f

tsNet docs?

2017-04-01 Thread Richard Gaskin via use-livecode
I finally got around to playing with tsNet, but I can't find docs, just sparse Dict entries. I'd like to test uploading a file via SFTP and also FTPS, synchronous preferred in this case. After hunting around via Google I manage to turn up this stack from a blog post:

Re: Transparent Images in LC

2017-04-01 Thread Rick Harrison via use-livecode
Hi Paul, I just took one of my old transparent .png images that I used to use a couple of years ago and imported it as a control into an LC 8.1.3 stack. It worked just fine. I think I might have created it with “Graphic Converter” for Mac. If you put one of your images into a “DropBox” account