Re: iOS Scrolling: Setting the scroll values

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Charles, Since the iPhone scroller is invisible, you can always set the hScroll and the vScroll to 0 whenever your card opens. Use the regular LiveCode properties to reset the scroll values and positions of your objects whenever your card opens. If you set both the scroll of the iPhone objec

Scrolling and multiTouch

2012-01-22 Thread Michael Doub
I am trying to understand how multitouch scrolling and selection work together. Here is the problem I am trying to solve: 1) the user takes a picture where the picture is larger than the screen. 2) the user needs to both scroll the picture and resize it with pinch to zoom 3) once the correct pa

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Michael Doub
Hi Mark, I thought that if you ran a headless version of livecode that normal put statements go to stdout. This seems to be what is happening when I look at the cgi tutorial: I may not be understanding your question properly. -= Mik

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Mike, This doesn't seem to work on Windows. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Download the Installer Maker Plugin 1.7 for LiveCode here http://qer

Navigating XML in LiveCode

2012-01-22 Thread Graham Samuel
For no special reason I have never used XML, either in LiveCode or anywhere else. Now I'm scripting an app that calls for a tiny database containing a number of similarly structured records (probably not more than 50), with all the values essentially text or numbers easily expressible as text. X

Re: Navigating XML in LiveCode

2012-01-22 Thread Michael Kann
Graham, Without giving away any trade secrets, could you describe where the data is stored and how it will be displayed? Mike --- On Sun, 1/22/12, Graham Samuel wrote: From: Graham Samuel Subject: Navigating XML in LiveCode To: Date: Sunday, January 22, 2012, 8

Detecting frame changes efficiently

2012-01-22 Thread Bryan McCormick
I have to cobble something together which is not normally my thing, a video app that doesn't do a bunch. What it does need to do though is detect when there has been a significant change in frame. I would need to be able to threshold this for significance, so I would need to know that xyz perc

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Thunder
*User Guide.pdf - Search for stdout* Output to Standard Out (stdOut or the Console on Mac OS X) The stdOut is a useful place to log messages. Unlike the Message Box, it is easy to log a sequence of events which you can then scroll back to review later on. It also has the advantage of being extern

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
Nothing new there. I know for a fact that it doesn't work on Windows and am looking for a good trick. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Download the

Re: Detecting frame changes efficiently

2012-01-22 Thread Colin Holgate
Perhaps scaling the video to be 1x1 might work. Then just watch the color of that one pixel. If it changes dramatically it was probably a scene change. ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, uns

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mike Bonner
Hey, not sure this is an acceptable method but.. If you have control of the target system and can install unxutils, then you can build a standalone that does a "write whatever to stdout" If you run it with the -ui parameters, as you've seen nothing appears on screen. But if you pipe to cat, viola'

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mike Bonner
Hmm also works with standard put, but still have to pipe it to cat or whatever. Without -u the writing to stdout works when piped to cat, and the put doesn't. including the -u makes the put command work also On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Mike Bonner wrote: > Hey, not sure this is an acceptab

Re: Scrolling and multiTouch

2012-01-22 Thread Thomas McGrath III
Mike, Take a look at the scrolling a group lesson online: -- And then take a look at the pinch lesson online: --

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Ken Ray
On Jan 22, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Mike Bonner wrote: > If you run it with the -ui parameters, as you've seen nothing appears on > screen. But if you pipe to cat, viola' It works. If you don't have cat, you can pipe it to 'more' as well, and that works (although after a delay). My code: on startup

Pinch and Rotate

2012-01-22 Thread Thomas McGrath III
I was playing around with the "Pinch to Zoom an object" lesson at: And I wanted to add rotate to it as well so that I could pinch and rotate at the same time. I ran into a big wall (called Math I th

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mike Bonner
Yeah I've seen random delays too. Sometimes its lightning fast, other times as you say up to about a second delay. Kinda strange. On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Ken Ray wrote: > > On Jan 22, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Mike Bonner wrote: > > > If you run it with the -ui parameters, as you've seen noth

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mike Bonner
Hmm ok, first run its low, after that it seems to be reliably fast (and don't know why I didn't remember "more") so I wonder if its a matter of diskaccess and cache. Recent run = superfast rerun. On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Mike Bonner wrote: > Yeah I've seen random delays too. Sometimes

Re: Navigating XML in LiveCode

2012-01-22 Thread Pete
Hi Graham, I'll say upfront that I'm not familiar with XML so I'm really suggesting an alternative rather than answering your question. Have you thought about using LC arrays rather than XML for this? LC arrays are lightning fast to access and I think would work great for a small dataset like thi

Re: Pinch and Rotate

2012-01-22 Thread Thomas McGrath III
I also added a resizeQuality to the "on touchMove" handler: set the resizeQuality of image "square" to "best" -- Tom McGrath III On Jan 22, 2012, at 1:57 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote: > > I was playing around with the "Pinch to Zoom an object"

Re: Pinch and Rotate

2012-01-22 Thread Michael Doub
Many thanks Thomas. This is a big help. Did you do any experiments with doing pinch to zoom and scrolling? I am wondering the relationship between the scroller messages and the touch messages. We have three properties that are of interest: canCancelTouches, delayTouches and scrollingEnable

Looking for beta testers import of passwords to InfoWallet

2012-01-22 Thread Bill Vlahos
I'm looking for people to test the import of passwords into InfoWallet from tab-delimited or comma-delimited(csv) text files. These would be files exported from whatever existing password management program you might be using. If you are interested and don't already have a license for InfoWallet

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Mike, This might be interesting for in-house solutions, but not for people who need to be able to use my software "out of the box". I'll keep this in mind though. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
Thanks Ken, That works. Not ideal, but definitely better than piping to a file. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Download the Installer Maker Plugin

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mike Bonner
Someone who can write in C could probably just whip up a teeny app in c that takes stdin and immedietly sends it to stdout (like more, but without the paging features) that could be incorporated with your apps. Its still an ugly workaround though. Have a batch file for execution that handles the

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
Yeah, thanks Mike, but I'm aware of all that. While stdOut doesn't work, there are still plenty of ways to get to the output, but I wish I could find a way o actually make stdOut work. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: http://economy

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread Bob Earp
Far be it for me to question your wisdom here Jacque, but are you sure this is true for Rev (not LC) ? I went from HC to SC to ToolBook and then Rev, and at the time of looking at Rev, I can remember one of the enticements for moving was the ability to import HC & SC into Rev. I knew a bunc

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread stephen barncard
I'm sure it's possible but the exceptions would take a lot of work and is just not worth the time vs re-creating with the superior Livecode capability.One will always end up with a better functioning app this way. On 22 January 2012 13:20, Bob Earp wrote: > Far be it for me to question your

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Bob, There used to be a SuperCard-to-MetaCard converter. -- Economy-x-Talk Consultancy and Software Engineering Download Color Converter at Op 22-jan-2012, om 22:20 heeft Bob Earp het volgende geschreven: Far be it for me to questio

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread stephen barncard
Still, was it smart enough to figure out 'binary' features of Livecode that give speed and performance such as "repeat for each", etc. and multi-dimensional Arrays and the UI features such as the datagrid ? The 'translation' could end up being a convoluted mess, hard to debug/understand. And the

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 1/22/12 3:20 PM, Bob Earp wrote: Far be it for me to question your wisdom here Jacque, but are you sure this is true for Rev (not LC) ? Your memory is correct, there used to be a converter back in the early days. It worked with SC 3.0. It was abandoned after the next SC update broke it and

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread Jerry Jensen
Always take advantage of a good excuse to rewrite your code. The first pancake is never the best one! On Jan 22, 2012, at 1:52 PM, stephen barncard wrote: > Still, was it smart enough to figure out 'binary' features of Livecode that > give speed and performance such as "repeat for each", etc. a

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread Bob Earp
Further to my last post on this, I checked with my good friend Ian Gordon who I worked with on this stuff, and we think the path was SC to MetaCard to Rev to LiveCode. Unfortunately we don't have a sample to prove this !! Over the next week I will try to resurrect an old Quadra to get a SC proj

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread Pete
Probably not worth the time/payback as a translation tool but how about as part of a version control system? VC systems almost always have a function that will list the differences between two versions of code, but it's hard to that with LC since everything is buried in the stack file. If there wa

Re: Looking for beta testers import of passwords to InfoWallet

2012-01-22 Thread Bill Vlahos
Thanks to the beta testers they discovered a problem that I don't know how to fix…unicode. If the text file contains german umlaute ü,ö,ä. And these characters are not imported correctly. The ü (u umlaut) for example becomes √º Here is the code: on mouseUp answer file "Import Password Text F

What about Apple's new ebook app and text book efforts?

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Rauterkus
Hi, Anyone watching the news this week about Apple's ebook and text book apps and endeavors? Seeking input as to how that might play with LC. Thanks. Mark Rauterkus -- -- Ta. Mark Rauterkus

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread Ken Ray
On Jan 22, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote: > Hi Bob, > > There used to be a SuperCard-to-MetaCard converter. Yes, I created it back in 2007 and I still have it - it converted SuperCard filed to XML and then XML to MetaCard (which was before Revolution and LiveCode). Given that it's

Re: Navigating XML in LiveCode

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Wieder
Graham- Sunday, January 22, 2012, 6:45:40 AM, you wrote: > For no special reason I have never used XML, either in LiveCode > or anywhere else. Now I'm scripting an app that calls for a tiny > database containing a number of similarly structured records > (probably not more than 50), with all the

Re: Looking for beta testers import of passwords to InfoWallet

2012-01-22 Thread Phil Davis
Hi Bill, What happens if you get the file using "binfile" instead of "file"? And then you might have to monkey with unidecode() or something. I bet Devin Asay can tell you in his sleep. Seems to me "binfile" would prevent any char translation, though it would also prevent line-ending transla

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Wieder
Mark- Sunday, January 22, 2012, 1:02:56 PM, you wrote: > That works. Not ideal, but definitely better than piping to a file. Just curious about what you find so heinous about piping to a file. At any rate, welcome to the world of Windows. When you write a Windows program you can define it as a

Re: Looking for beta testers import of passwords to InfoWallet

2012-01-22 Thread Bill Vlahos
Phil, Binfile doesn't make any difference. I did monkey with the unicode settings and they were unpredictable. For 8bit unicode the text all came in as special characters. If the text file was 16 bit then it looked OK except it didn't parse correctly into the table. Some of the cells had both t

Re: StdOut on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Mark, I would like to find a solution that works for every blind person. This is either a screen reader or running the app from the command line with as few options and additional commands as possible. I hope that RunRev decides to change the engine to make it compatible with screen reader

Re: Looking for beta testers import of passwords to InfoWallet

2012-01-22 Thread Phil Davis
I wonder what the data would look like if you used a shell() command (or some other non-LC-code means - via a process maybe) to read it. Like so: on mouseUp answer file "Import Password Text File" with type "Text|txt" if it is not empty then switch the platform case "Win32"

Re: Looking for beta testers import of passwords to InfoWallet

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
Bill, on mouseUp answer file "Import Password Text File" with type "Text|txt" if it is not empty then put "binfile:" & it into vPathToFile put URL vPathToFile into fSource put unidecode(uniencode(fSource,"UTF8")) into fSource examineImport fSource else exit mouseUp

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 1/22/12 6:39 PM, Ken Ray wrote: On Jan 22, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote: Hi Bob, There used to be a SuperCard-to-MetaCard converter. Yes, I created it back in 2007 and I still have it - it converted SuperCard filed to XML and then XML to MetaCard (which was before Revolution

Re: Looking for beta testers import of passwords to InfoWallet

2012-01-22 Thread Bill Vlahos
Mark, Perfect. That's it! Coincidentally I also found it in the notes section for Open File by > If you are reading in a text file (for example) which contains high ascii > values (such as curly quotes - numToChar(210) ) you will find that these are > displayed as garb

Re: What about Apple's new ebook app and text book efforts?

2012-01-22 Thread JOHN PATTEN
Who needs it if you have LiveCode? You would not need to be tied to Apple ULA in terms of their iAuthor format, etc. Or, am I missing something? What would be great is if LiveCode of a LiveCode developer turned around and created templates for the newbie LiveCoders to publish their eTextBooks

Re: Looking for beta testers import of passwords to InfoWallet

2012-01-22 Thread Bill Vlahos
How do you guys know this stuff? Awesome. Bill On Jan 22, 2012, at 7:16 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote: > Mark, > > Perfect. That's it! > > Coincidentally I also found it in the notes section for Open File by > >> If you are reading in a text file (for example) which contains

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread Ken Ray
On Jan 22, 2012, at 9:12 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote: > On 1/22/12 6:39 PM, Ken Ray wrote: >> >> On Jan 22, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote: >> >>> Hi Bob, >>> >>> There used to be a SuperCard-to-MetaCard converter. >> >> Yes, I created it back in 2007 and I still have it - it converted

Re: What about Apple's new ebook app and text book efforts?

2012-01-22 Thread Pete
I wouldn't be surprised if it was. I believe one of the accusations from Apple in their case against HTC was that tapping a phone number in a message and having the phone dial the number was copyright infringement. Intellectual property law astounds me some times. Pete On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 7:

Developing on Mac, standalone on Windows

2012-01-22 Thread Pete
I just compiled and ran my fist standalone on Windows and I'm finally realising the benefits of developing cross platform applications with LC. I was pretty amazed when everything I developed on my Mac just ran as expected on Windows! The on;y problem I need to address concerns fonts. I have a v

Re: Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

2012-01-22 Thread Pete
Apologies if this is a duplicate post byt I didn't see my original reply make it to the list. I'm wondering if it might be worth the time if this was done as part of a version control system rather than as a convertor? The VC systems I've used alway have a way of comparing two code files and spit

Re: What about Apple's new ebook app and text book efforts?

2012-01-22 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 1/22/12 11:47 PM, Pete wrote: I wouldn't be surprised if it was. I believe one of the accusations from Apple in their case against HTC was that tapping a phone number in a message and having the phone dial the number was copyright infringement. Intellectual property law astounds me some tim