So many discussions of which build goes with which version of this
component and that OS and workarounds for chains of dependencies...
Is this really as good as it gets when using a non-Apple dev tool?
Anyone here build iOS apps in anything other than LC or XCode - is
everything out there this
here's an interesting note for me the next time I'm in a panic over an
annual build:
XC prior to 11 won't run on catalina (maybe 10 will, so maybe pretend I
said "10" back there). On your machine, you'll see the circle-slash
through the icon for xcode 9.x, which means apps that you built with LC 8
do we have a table somewhere on which versions can be connected?
i just tried to rebuild one of our apps for the annual app-build-of-doom,
and discovered that:
i can't seem to build for ios 9.3.5 (some older ipads), because i need to
run xcode 11 on catalina. on 9.3.5 the app flashes white and the