Re: issue PUT html command

2013-02-04 Thread Bernard Devlin
With regard to Android/Google, depending on where the data to be sent as notifications originates, it is possible to just send the notifications from your own PC to Google's server, and Google then routes them to the devices. I would hope it would be so simple with Apple. I guess if it was that s

Re: issue PUT html command

2013-02-04 Thread Andrew Kluthe
I have not had much success in using libURL for put requests that are non-blocking. However, I have recently thought of taking most of my 'serious businesss' http calls to CURL. I have a libCURL library from someone somewhere (the late mark smith's?). On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Chris Sheffiel

Re: issue PUT html command

2013-02-04 Thread Chris Sheffield
Excellent! I figured it had to be easy, and I wondered if it was accomplished using the normal put and get commands, but wasn't totally sure. Thanks for the tip. I do have one more question though. In the dictionary, it says that this is a blocking operation, so if for some reason the site is n

Re: issue PUT html command

2013-02-04 Thread Andrew Kluthe
put sVar into url ""; --will accomplish a PUT and get url ""; --will accomplish a GET! Isn't livecode grand? On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Chris Sheffield wrote: > I'm not even sure that's the right te

Re: issue PUT html command

2013-02-04 Thread Chris Sheffield
Bernard, Yes, thank you. Actually, I've been looking at the one for iOS. It talks about setting up your own server, but I don't have the know-how nor the resources right now to do that. So when I found Urban Airship I was happy. So I just need to figure out how to send this command and I should

Re: issue PUT html command

2013-02-04 Thread Bernard Devlin
Have you seen this? I got the Android version working. At the time when I was looking at it (last summer, I think) it seemed that the iOS version was more common (more worked out). Bernard On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Chris Sheffield wrote: > I'm no

issue PUT html command

2013-02-04 Thread Chris Sheffield
I'm not even sure that's the right terminology. This is kind of related to my last post about push notifications. I found a neat web site ( that has a server set up for sending push notifications to mobile devices. As far as I can tell, it's free to use. I'm still researching th