I’m saying that in the US, it isn’t clear *that* there would be copyright
protection for what the AI generated. The current caselaw for patents is that a
machine can’t be a creator—but patent and copyright function differently
(although I ultimately would expect the same answer for that particul
All that it would take is a simple statement from LC ltd to clear it up.
But, I am not really worried about it. I am just curious.
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paul provided,
>Just as livecode script you create now is copywritable, whether you write each
>by hand or copy some code from a freely available library, the finished
>application you
> make can be copyrighted by you. Same with Xavvi.
This is far less than clear user current US law .
Xavvi generates livecode script as directed by you. Just as livecode
script you create now is copywritable, whether you write each lie by
hand or copy some code from a freely available library, the finished
application you make can be copyrighted by you. Same with Xavvi.
On 5/17/2023 10:11 AM,
Will code and apps be copyright protected for the developer or LiveCode Ltd?
Are we 100% sure of this answer? Is there a statement declaring this?
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