Yes, no end of problems with this "helpful" thing Word for Mac does. It
silently changes line endings, borking any file that expects them to be
something OTHER than what the MacOS uses. For instance I cannot export an
address book from a Toshiba copier and open it in MacOS, *even if I do not sav
While on a walk just now, I was thinking about line endings on Mac vs.
Windows - they are different! I think you're right - open your original
template in Word for Windows, add your tag, and save & close it. Then it
will probably work as you expect.
On 4/11/18 10:52 AM, Charles Szasz vi
Hi Phil,
Thanks for your input! The data tag was working before this anomaly occurred.
The text in the data tag is just regular text. The font is Times New Roman.
The text and formatting were not changed in the data tag. I am hoping that
someone who uses WordReport can give me insight on t
Hi Charles,
On the surface it sounds to me like it might be a text encoding issue.
You could do an experiment to find out. Since the textEncode() function
isn't available in LC 6.1.3, you would have to use uniEncode() to encode
your Word doc content before writing it to disk and handing it off
> How do you keep a data tag from inserting
> an extra line after the data tag?
BTW, Charles is aware that I can look into this issue if he sends me a
test stack and template to examine precisely what's going on with the
tag and the data. I may charge a fee if I need to edit templates or user
I am having difficulty with a data tag in WordReport. I am using LC 6.1.3.
How do you keep a data tag from inserting an extra line after the data tag? I
have one data tag that keeps inserting an extra line before a non-data tag
line. The data tag has a cr immediately after it. When a Word d