Thanks for the reply Mark. Since I don't have my own project in mind yet
for LC, I'm taking the opportunity to spend some time on the IDE and source
just to try to understand things. Since this was an error that I could
easily reproduce and is something that is pretty easily understandable
The best way is to ask 'us' (as in the engineers that have worked on the
entirety of the LiveCode source base for many years). This isn't any different
from any other open source project which has 1.5m lines of code (I don't think
at least...).
We can certainly provide an insight at where to st
Is there anything posted that gives an overview of how the source code to
LiveCode works/is organized? I know that the source is all there and I can
read it, but that would take a long time :) I'm still learning C++ (been
many years, but I learned C while in college), but following the code