I saw Steve Jobs at three WWDCs and can attest to the effectiveness of the
'reality distortion field' he projected. Wozniak was my first idol, but in the
end Jobs had the most effect on my life. What I wanted once was an S-100, and
settled for an Apple-II; before long I knew every inch of it and
Jobs was perhaps the greatest marketing mind in the history of the world.
R.I.P. He will be missed.
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 7:20 PM, Richard Gaskin
> Charles Szasz wrote:
> > Whether you are an Apple fanboy or not, there is no doubt in
> > my mind we have lost a true visionary in the tech
Charles Szasz wrote:
> Whether you are an Apple fanboy or not, there is no doubt in
> my mind we have lost a true visionary in the technology world.
> I feel blessed to have been alive to enjoy Apple products. I
> wish I had the good fortunate to see an Apple presentation
> with Steve presenting.
I just heard that Steve Jobs died. Whether you are an Apple fanboy or not,
there is no doubt in my mind we have lost a true visionary in the technology
world. I feel blessed to have been alive to enjoy Apple products. I wish I had
the good fortunate to see an Apple presentation with Steve prese