Sounds like a refresh issue.
On Jan 7, 2011, at 4:10 AM, Ian McKnight wrote:
> A click on the target field made the list appear as it should! While my
> table only contains 90 lines of 3 items I'm at a loss to explain this.
> However, it is working as it should.
> Thanks
> On 7 Janua
A click on the target field made the list appear as it should! While my
table only contains 90 lines of 3 items I'm at a loss to explain this.
However, it is working as it should.
On 7 January 2011 10:46, Ian McKnight wrote:
> Hi
> I have a table of data held in a table in EXCEL and I
I have a table of data held in a table in EXCEL and I want to import it into
a field in a LC stack.
I saved the file from EXECL as a tab delimited text file
and used the following handler
on* mouseUp
*answer* file "choose" with *type* "text|txt|TXT"
*if* it is empty or it is *cancel* *the