AW: Re: OT: HTML img src and Windows problem

2019-12-11 Thread Paul Dupuis via use-livecode
On 12/11/2019 6:38 PM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote: This is not directly related to LiveCode. I amwriting a bunch of html from LiveCode to a local .html file. In it there are image tags to images in the same location as the .html file, so an image tag in the HTML might be: Not matter

Re: OT: HTML img src and Windows problem

2019-12-11 Thread hh via use-livecode
This is all OK assuming your html file is in /Users/paul/Desktop/help/. It works here with all modern browsers. The error is caused somewhere else in your webpage. Contains the char-attribute a gremlin or did you set a conflicting base url? You could use the WebInspector of the browser to see w

OT: HTML img src and Windows problem

2019-12-11 Thread Paul Dupuis via use-livecode
This is not directly related to LiveCode. I amwriting a bunch of html from LiveCode to a local .html file. In it there are image tags to images in the same location as the .html file, so an image tag in the HTML might be: Not matter what browser I open the HTML file in under Windows 10 (Fir