On 12/11/2019 6:38 PM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
This is not directly related to LiveCode. I amwriting a bunch of html
from LiveCode to a local .html file. In it there are image tags to
images in the same location as the .html file, so an image tag in the
HTML might be:
Not matter
This is all OK assuming your html file is in
It works here with all modern browsers.
The error is caused somewhere else in your webpage.
Contains the char-attribute a gremlin or did you set
a conflicting base url?
You could use the WebInspector of the browser to see
This is not directly related to LiveCode. I amwriting a bunch of html
from LiveCode to a local .html file. In it there are image tags to
images in the same location as the .html file, so an image tag in the
HTML might be:
Not matter what browser I open the HTML file in under Windows 10