Hi Bill,
Thanks for your input.
The current Global Warming Reader App consists of 2 lists of websites,
organized by category (Activism, Communication, Denial, Economics, Global,
Individual, National, News, Oceans, Solutions, Science, …). One list includes
“All" the sites that I’ve found that
A pertinent topic. I’m a bit unsure of what the goal of the app is, though. It
seems to be an index of web sites related to global warming. I could see a use
for something that organizes and educates. Would this be like an expanded
version of RealClimate.com? So, I’m wondering what the goal
Hi Livecoders,
The U.N. COP21 Conference in Paris this past December secured a remarkable
international agreement of over 190 nations to cut carbon emissions and to
limit global warming to less than 2 deg C. But now the hard part begins, to
ensure that individuals, corporations and nations li