For the record…

2021-10-28 Thread Quentin Long via use-livecode
In case anybody actually was curious to know how to type an infinity symbol: On a Mac, the keystroke is option-5. Also on the Mac, there's a cute thingie called "Keyboard Viewer" which does what it says on the label. KV displays your entire keyboard, *and* it shows you the complete set of charac

Re: For the record

2014-02-14 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 9:10 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote: > > In short it was my fault. That's so no one thinks there is a problem in > this regard with sqlYoga. Sorry Trevor. > You are forgiven Bob ;-) Carry on. -- Trevor DeVore Blue Mango Learning Systems

For the record

2014-02-13 Thread Bob Sneidar
Just for the record, a little while ago I was wanting to know how to test a connection to a SQL database without actually running a query and incurring a long timeout. Turns out the problem was within my code. I call a function I wrote that was *supposed to* disconnect me from all active