forward to walking through the new steps tonight.
—Andrew Bell
> Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 16:18:58 +0200
> From: panagiotis merakos
> Subject: Re: Apple Push Notifications update
> Hello all,
> You can find an updated lesson on how to send HTTP/2 based push
> notifica
Hello all,
You can find an updated lesson on how to send HTTP/2 based push
notifications on iOS:
Note that you do not need to do any changes in your app that *receives* push
notifications. The change
I feel blindsided by an email I received today from Apple indicating they are
deprecating the binary push notification method at the end of the month. I’ve
dealt enough with trying to keep up with Android push changes over the years,
but this seems to be the first major Apple update.
This bin