Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote
> LOL. That's an utterly bizarre workflow, but I'm glad it works.
> I'm filing that away somewhere if I ever have to record the screen on
> Windows.
That's actually the most nasty method I ever read of. You may as well:
1. Press "Print" on your keyboard, op
Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote
> I believe you need to surround the placeholder with single quotes.
Doesn't work, my LC doesn't do the replacement:
> UPDATE `t_test` SET `Text` = ':11' WHERE `Nummer` = ':22';
> UPDATE `t_test` SET `Text` = :'11' WHERE `Nummer` = :'22';
are sent to the
the notation for revExecuteSQL you mention only works with 1-digit numbers
(in my LC 6.7.10).
Named arrays and 2- or more digit entries don't work - LC doesn't translate
'em. You can easily check this with your favorite network sniffer:
> put "bText" into myArr[11]
> put "99" into myArr[22]
Tried in Win 10-64 pro (v1803), both with LC 9.0.1 and 6.7.10, both in IDE
and StandAlone.
item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of this stack
(assuming slash as itemdel).
> I store a data file that is update by
> the user in specialFolderPath("
Peter Bogdanoff via use-livecode wrote
> Can anyone share their "test bandwidth" library?
Found it difficult & time consuming to test the actual bandwidth, so I'm
testing the latency now. Bad latency usually relates to bad bandwidth ;-)
On my server I have a php script:
Dr Peter Brett wrote
> On 24/02/2017 18:47, axwald via use-livecode wrote:
> [...]
>> Not a specialist regarding this, but wouldn't it be possible to interface
>> such?
>>> https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium
>> @Lagi: The first customer alr
few days ago I read about PHP incorporating a modern crypto lib now:
> https://dev.to/paragonie/php-72-the-first-programming-language-to-add-modern-cryptography-to-its-standard-library
Not a specialist regarding this, but wouldn't it be possible to interface
> https://github.com/jedisct
William Prothero wrote
> [...] A mothership sanctioned powerful external editor [...]
Which one? This is the problem here.
The "target audience" already has its favorite text editor, each another one
So I think it would only make sense to have "the basics" collected at some
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