Thanks, HH and Marty.
Marty wrote:
Are you setting the “ink” to something other than the standard srcCopy?
I am using srcCopy. Other settings are: don't dither ON, Buffer OFF. Resize
quality: Best. Blend Lvl: 0 Layer mode: Static.
HH wrote:
Did you already try to
set the paintcompression to
Hi all.
I'm troubleshooting a rare image issue and hope you can help.
The issue is that some (not all) images used in a LC standalone app appear
as black boxes.
* Only happens if user is on Mac Mojave.
* All pictures appeared normally for the users before upgrading to Mojave.
After up
Hi Tiemo,
I use Scott Rossi's "Get In Line" stack:
Tom Bodine
*Bodine Training Games LLC*
8417 Hallet St., Lenexa, KS 66215 USA / 913-4