I need a little help: Where do I get "myAppKey" and "myAppSec"? The link I get
for the shared file (it is a stack I would like to open in LC) from Dropbox is
one long string. Do I have to take that apart and, if yes, how.
Am 14.06.2013 um 15:04 schrieb Guglielmo Bragugli
I did change to 32-bit mode, but in Safari it doesn't work. With firefox in
32-bit mode everything is ok. Is it not possible to use revlets with Safari
(5.1.2)? or did I do something wrong?
Am 24.01.2012 um 16:56 schrieb J. Landman Gay:
> ...provided you have the plugin installed, but cur
if you don't have it yet – ge it!
if you have it – upgrade!!
It's easy to learn, flexible to use and even better in the new version. The
only excuse for not having it in your toolbox is if you don't ever work with
numbers... so everybody needs it. And Hugh deserves your support!
A Happy user