Re: Bowing Out

2024-08-23 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Graham, I was going to send a similar post for myself, but yours is so spot on for me as well along with the fish, I’ll just say me too. 7x6 Jeff > On Aug 23, 2024, at 12:02 PM, wrote: > > Just a quick note to say that after many years of using LiveCode

Re: Livecode Future

2024-07-31 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
I posted about my more odd ball situation with live code. Kevin answered with some solutions for seats for exhibit machines which could be a solution, but unfortunately I doubt the royalty solution for educational content software would not fly with the clients. As I stated it’s all ok since I’

Re: Livecode Future

2024-07-24 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
I’ve used Livecode since the early days of MetaCard, primarily creating educational software, educational multimedia cds included with kids books and a ton of museum exhibits. For me the new create system and licensing looks pretty untenable, but I realize I’m the odd duck. The bulk of my time

Re: somehow OT, but somehow not - no price information

2024-05-23 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
pointing people there will glee now. This is just a very bad move in my opinion. Sad to see this turn. Jeff Reynolds > On May 23, 2024, at 12:02 PM, wrote: > > Re: somehow OT, but somehow not - no price in

Re: disabled buttons still receive events, they just process them, later?

2024-02-22 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Oh man yes Jacque and Mike! I do feel old, about the same for me, about late 87… grad school at Berkeley, humpback whales, and carrying Macs in big backpacks. Later MetaCard saved the day! Fun memories, Jeff > On Feb 22, 2024, at 1:51 AM, wrote: > > Exac

Re: Sad news about Brahmanathaswami

2022-12-29 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Stephen, Thanks for that. Monks with macs, that was so cool in those early mac days. Nice little story and nice to finally see a picture of him! Very nice story of no fear about mixing technology with their agriculture to make it better and the sharing of knowledge being central and participati

Sorry for the extra reply text

2022-12-27 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Very sorry for copying all the digest text there in my last post, I thought I had deleted it all. Apologies, I know better than to do that! Jeff ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe

Re: Sad news about Brahmanathaswami

2022-12-26 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Very sorry to hear about this. His enthusiasm over many years on this list was wonderful (I seem to remember he may have been around all the way back in the MetaCard days) and his positive attitude to challenges was a great example as so many let their frustrations with a challenge turn to anger

Re: Reviving CD-ROM material [was: Re: Livecode and interactive video]

2022-01-23 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Richmond, And I’ll be right there with Richard. Just because it’s not being supported does not remove copyrights. You know that’s a stupid argument. Maybe fine with your own morals but it’s not how copyright works. As a content creator for over 4 decades of my professional life I really hate t

Re: Reviving CD-ROM material [was: Re: Livecode and interactive video]

2022-01-23 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Graham, Having created a bunch of commercial interactive cdroms back in those days of early commercial interactivity, I can say they can be a challenge to mine all the necessary content from them and determine the whole flow chart of content and interactivity. I did this a few times on my own p

Re: OT: Facebook -> Meta (Damaged Infinity!)

2021-11-02 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
I think this needs to be a contest… > MarkW wrote: > From a Boingboing user comment... > > META: Making Evil Totally Acceptable Jeff ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage

Re: Mudslinging and consequences - a change to our policy

2021-10-28 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Excellent Martin! My new view on infinity. Reminds me of a joke the list may appreciate to clean off the mud. Lady is found dead in the shower and is surrounded by dozens of empty shampoo bottles. Two detectives show up and the first one says “well this is certainly a very odd case”. The second

Re: Mud slinging versus genuine criticism

2021-10-26 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
My thoughts as well Jacqueline! cheers, Jeff > On Oct 26, 2021, at 8:08 AM, wrote: > > Thank you for this, you spoke my thoughts. > > -- > Jacqueline Landman Gay | > > HyperActive Software | htt

Re: [OT] Personal project

2019-10-24 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Kevin, Kudos, many kudos to you. I’ve dealt with many friends and family members with depression over the years and it is nice to see a lot of what I’ve tried with them in your videos. Jeff > On Oct 24, 2019, at 12:01 PM, wrote: > > This ___

Re: Where LiveCode is Now

2019-10-04 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
That’s because she won’t write that message until a few months from now... Jeff On Oct 4, 2019, at 5:10 PM, wrote: > >> >> Talk to Jacgue about that. Bring extra socks. > > > I?ll bring it up when we meet last week. She seems to have misplaced next > m

Re: Where LiveCode is Now

2019-10-03 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
LC team, I too so appreciate all the work the LC team has done over the years and continues to do. I’ve used probably a dozen different commercial coding systems over the decades and LC thru all it’s incarnations back to good old MetaCard with Scott was the one that provided the needed options,

Crash when moving video window to external monitor pc

2018-05-21 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
monitors on pc laptops? thanks Jeff Reynolds ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

Re: OT: OMGwebsites

2017-09-27 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Mark, Welcome to the new world of websites... I've gotten out of the business as content is now an evil thing in websites. It's being tossed out right and left and what's left is being rewritten into three sentence paragraphs of garbledgook separated by large full width photos and repeated 10-2

Re: intersect . . . invisible images

2017-07-16 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
I think it's not quark and dryer spins that take away those lost locks but an intersection of this universe with another existing in the same space but different dimensions. And if the infinite number of universes theory is true the one universe must be the recipient of all said lost socks from

Re: Biased testing and micro-coaching

2017-07-07 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Jonathan, I second bill's approach of watching folks use the app. Years of educational software creation taught me this. I would always make friends with a local teacher that was into tech and they usually were happy to get a period to try something on the kids if it only took one period to do

mousedown on player in 8.1.4

2017-06-30 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
I was just testing a stack on LC 8.1.4 on the surface (win10) and for some reason im not getting the mousedown message on the player object in the stack. worked fine in LC 7.1.4 on the surface. works on both LC 7 and 8 on the mac. cant find any new properties that deal with this. does not mat

touch issues with the surface

2017-06-28 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Has anyone done multiple stacks with a surface under touch? my app has a video playback substack that the control (master) stack brings up to play video full screen over the control app. works fine on mac and pc and the surface in pc mode (using mice and trackpads) but in tablet mode or in pc m

Re: RIP Dan Shafer

2017-06-22 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Sad, many years and few editions of his HC book dogeared on my lap in the early years. jeff ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences: http://lis

HD Windows Video Formats

2017-06-21 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
. Does anyone do h264 that playback decoders installed under generic win10 install and a path to how you made the files? thanks jeff reynolds ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscri

Re: Ben Beaumont jumps ship

2017-06-12 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Sigh, me too I guess. I now see how long it has been (40 years) thinking back... HyperCard Supercard Plus Oracle Media Objects Toolbook MetaCard Revolution Livecode Jeff > Me too. > > Bob S > > >>> On Jun 9, 2017, at 11:43 , Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode >>> wrote: >>> >>> If we're countin

Re: mac/win codecs

2017-05-25 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
Doh! should have used a quick google search, found it! sorry for the bother. jeff > On May 25, 2017, at 3:19 PM, Jeff Reynolds wrote: > > I was trying to find the page i had last fall that had the current codecs > supported on windows under livecode 7. Cant find anything now on

mac/win codecs

2017-05-25 Thread Jeff Reynolds via use-livecode
I was trying to find the page i had last fall that had the current codecs supported on windows under livecode 7. Cant find anything now on the current livecode site on the codecs supported or the video api used. Can anyone point me to where the info is for lc 7.1? thanks jeff ___

Re: [OT] Website Design Apps-Mac

2016-10-17 Thread Jeff Reynolds
This is sooo true with Wordpress. So many hackbots out there going at every wp site they can find to punch at all known security holes (hosting companies and individuals don't always keep up wp security patches). Folks think hackers won't care about my puny site, but usually they are looking to

Re: What's everyone working on this month? (September 2016)

2016-09-01 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Just updated content the presenter interface system for the auditorium programs at Monterey bay aquarium. It's been run on MetaCard/rev/livecode since the 90s and still going strong! They have a number of presenter shows that run in the auditorium all the time that utilize a large HD video libra

Re: using windows playback via livecode 8

2016-08-25 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Somehow i lost a week of emails there on the list replies! Jacque, I just got a pro 4 from the ms store here in bethesda on loan (if you go to a store they now have a loaner program for up to a month to try stuff out on a surface for free!). i downloaded LC8 and it is running fine, about to bring

using windows playback via livecode 8

2016-08-16 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had good luck playing back HD quality video on a MS Surface book using livecode 8 and the new windows playback system that uses the direct show libraries. A client wants to be able to playback full screen HD videos on the surface from a presentation interface

Re: The Future of LiveCode in Education

2016-02-29 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Yes was true for me as well even though i had programmed in a few different languages in the past. At the time HC came out i was in grad school {molecular biology) and not programming. After 10 minutes of looking at HC and poking at it i realized how much fun and useful things i could do so quic

Windows Quicktime Playback

2016-02-19 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Hi folks, I have an app that plays rather small quicktime videos in a second stack window (mainstack is the user interface to select videos for a number of presentations). Its been fine for the last maybe 10 years up thru LC 5x on mac and pc. On the mac video playback is like silk (I can even

Multiple windows launches of an app

2015-11-22 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Just had something odd happen on a win 7 machine where multiple copies of the livecode app that runs on it (stripped machine that only runs this application for a presentation system) some how got started up. I had bumped the app to LC7.1 and over the last few months some random freezes were occ

Re: [OT] Teaching methodology

2015-08-12 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Richmond, ive used a combo when teaching high school kids in the US software or programming. I do some mini lessons so they do practical project (always found this better than theoretical exercises with most students) on a subset of commands or features. proceed each with a small amount of disc

UDP and livecode

2015-07-13 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Hi folks, I need to try out some UDP for communication with an AMX systems controller. HTTP posts are sometimes being processed very slowly by the AMX and hoping that the UDP might be faster. Is there anywhere in the Livecode documentation that talks about UDP more directly? all ive found are

Re: [OT] And You Thought Richmond Kept Old Macs Alive

2015-03-28 Thread Jeff Reynolds
I was in grad school at Berkeley in the 80s and our department went mac crazy fast (yes i helped this along greatly!). Getting folks to sink thousands in to a apple laserwriter was hard, but I was able to convince a couple of labs that had one to share if other labs would buy cartridges and main

[OT] Startup apps under Yosemite

2014-12-29 Thread Jeff Reynolds
I have an older kiosk livecode application that is now being installed on a new mac mini with yosemite (old imac running it finally died after 8 years in a visitor center!). There is one odd thing now with setting startup applications with the user account on Yosemite as after all of the start u

Re: [OT] baby

2014-11-28 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Monte, Congrats and best to you all! Jeff > On Nov 28, 2014, at 6:00 AM, wrote: > > We just had a baby so I won't be able to get to mergExt related questions for > a few days. Rebecca(mum) and Sarah(bub) are doing well but Sarah has a few > breathing issu

Re: how to disturb newbies

2014-10-26 Thread Jeff Reynolds
One thing also with documentation like the, and newbies are the most vulnerable to this, is how well written it is and does it cover all the steps (ie not start c, d, e...). It hard for a high end development crew to hopefully have the ability to write and edit to a very clean and readable style

Re: The Missing Link between LiveCode and Teachers

2014-04-17 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Al, this is all so true. I have this issue in educational media publishers as they all want everything on the web but i still get constant feedback from teachers that they like to have a cdrom in their hand to base their curriculum on rather than a web site. Why? Because websites with content,

Re: Support for Mac OSX 10.5

2014-02-25 Thread Jeff Reynolds
the other hand. the compromise sounded good with the 6.6 and then keeping it around for legacy development. and having 7 move forward is good. jeff reynolds ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, u

Re: OT: Mr. Macintosh

2014-01-27 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Ahh old dogcow! One of my most treasured possessions was my apple testing mug with Dogcow on it from the many hours testing my cdroms at apple. it got knocked onto the tile floor and shattered, tube of super glue and all the king's men could not put dogcow back together again... sad day. I did


2014-01-21 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Monte, oh so very sorry to hear that. My deepest condolences to you and your family. jeff On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:35 AM, wrote: > Hi Folks > > I'm going to be off the reservation for a little while. For those that knew > we had a baby due in a couple of we

1080p video and livecode

2013-09-10 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Just curious if anyone is doing any 1080p video with livecode. I've done some tests and had great playback with livecode. Curious how well it will hold up with playing for long periods. 702p seems to hold up very well with abuse in livecode. thanks jeff

Re: [OT] SmartWatches

2013-09-08 Thread Jeff Reynolds
gotta love the design, no one for samsung to copy! talk about a lot of un-needed bits on something that small where space is precious. sick enough of folks glancing at their phones constantly (we have a house guest right now that looks to his phone about 50% of the time he is talking to you and

Re: QT playback of remote files

2013-07-18 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Trevor way good! This just clicked, i had to do this with a project where it was a local files but multiple movies were playing then had to fire an audio file and would not reliably start playing. i stumbled into setting the playrate somehow. good luck Jacqueline! jeff On Jul 17, 2013, at 9:3

Re: Another bizarre Apple patent troll case, in which Runtime Revolution plays a bit part

2013-06-04 Thread Jeff Reynolds
i thought most of the human interface and multimedia patient nonsense was done by the late 90s. soo many of these trolls with the cdrom boom we went thru and it was pretty funny then as the ideas had been out there on public display most of the time way before. At one point our company was appro

Re: [OT - I remembered this time]: here we go

2013-05-09 Thread Jeff Reynolds
ok i just spit coffee out my nose on this one! thanks jeff On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Peter Haworth wrote: > My friend and ex bandmate David Brewer is a bagpiper and told me this > story. > > As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral > director to play at a grav

Re: 1001 things to do...

2013-03-07 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Tiemo, i believe one of the wikipedia entries for mind blowing is scott rossi jeff On Mar 7, 2013, at 10:20 AM, wrote: > But Scotts Rossis UIs are really mind-blowing! ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecode@l

Re: Now that the kickstarter was such a huge success...

2013-02-28 Thread Jeff Reynolds
, Cheers, Cheers! jeff reynolds > I think he should have to wear a fake one until his real one grows in. ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferen

RE: $0!

2013-02-23 Thread Jeff Reynolds
thats why you need kids as your cowboy testers, they do that sort of stuff w/o even thinking about it consciously! jeff On Feb 22, 2013, at 10:16 PM, wrote: > I wonder if anyone's tried pledging a negative amount. You never know how > the software was writ

Re: A Personal Letter from Our CEO

2013-02-01 Thread Jeff Reynolds
well a good beard should then be about 35 quid per hair then so perhaps there should be a funding level for a follicle level support. maybe get your name laser etched on a hair or get the clipped hair at the end of the year. Just another way to incentivize the fundraising. I know having a beard

Re: [OT] How to apply for jobs

2013-01-19 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Bob, I've pretty much stopped trying to help associates write job descriptions for tech jobs. For some reason friends and associates refer people to me when they are writing these and want some review. They send me things like what you mention and I ask what the job is and It can be as mundane

m4p files in live ode

2012-12-16 Thread Jeff Reynolds
has anyone seen m4p (mpeg4) files playing back oddly in livecode players on the mac with a white frame at the end of the file? cant see the white frame in qtplayer or any other player and is not there in the original uncompressed qt file out of the editor, but in lc im getting this white fr

Re: Banging on about Mac Classic

2012-11-08 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Richmond, I believe 2.6.1 was the last version with mac classic build abilities. in 2.8 it was "build for mac os classic will be available soon" but never came i think. that was the final version for a long time that i had to keep building in when i had to support classic (then move stack to mo

Re: [OT] Pray for Andre

2012-10-16 Thread Jeff Reynolds
On Oct 16, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote: > They promised me easy applications, and all I had to do was repeat all the > commands over and over. "on mouseUp. on Opencard. On closeStack." Over and > over. One day I woke up in a teepee in Northern California smelling like > smoke, with a b

Re: [OT] Facebook

2012-10-02 Thread Jeff Reynolds
security and personal information aside (very important and bad in my book as ell) I find that the vast majority of fb communication to be worthless as true human communication. I actually was on facebook pretty early on. a couple of clients had wanted to investigate it so i had to get in and p

Re: [OT] What does Richmond do with Livecode?

2012-09-30 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Jacquiline, so glad to hear you are one of the unsocial out there, makes me feel in good company! jeff On Sep 30, 2012, at 6:14 PM, wrote: > Those of us who do not want to be involved with Facebook for any reason > will never know what he did.

Re: pirate version of my book

2012-09-04 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Yes true, but when you try and teach, you need to reach your students in ways they can grasp and understand. With this understanding comes the tools to understand greater things and build higher. in this case its the ability to not just learn a rule, but to understand the rule and thus be able t

Re: pirate version of my book

2012-09-03 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Tim, sorry to hear this about your son. I went back and taught at my old high school in the early 2000s when mp3 were hitting the fan and copying on the computer was getting rampant and just the thing kids growing up with as normal. I was teaching multimedia and since i was also producing it my

Re: The Story of Steve Jobs - An Inspiration or a Cautionary Tale

2012-08-16 Thread Jeff Reynolds
So livecode now has embedded code for human brains?! Where is the upload socket? Glad to see they just skipped over mobile devices and went directly to the wetware. Cheers, jeff On Aug 16, 2012, at 1:00 PM, wrote: > on mouseup > put the text of fld "emai

Re: QuickTime on Windows

2012-07-30 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Jacqueline, I've been bit by this in the distant past and got in the habit of having the app determine the desired path so that it does not matter if running in the IDE or a standalone. I cant remember what the difference I ran into that made me start this. Cheers, Jeff Sent from my iPad O

Re: Upgrade to Lion - backups

2012-05-31 Thread Jeff Reynolds
bob, alternate drive is for redundancy if a drive were ever to poop out and I keep one off site or in a firesafe if here as well for the theft/fire issue. I learned this thru a friend who had a very redundant backup system. only problem was not good about offsite and there was a fire in the o

Re: Upgrade to Lion

2012-05-31 Thread Jeff Reynolds
two 2tb external drives and just alternate between them once a week with time machine. figure if a drive goes worst case is loosing a week. so far they have zipped along for a while now with no issues. of course with murphy's law of backups i have not had to use them as they are effective backup

Re: Upgrade to Lion

2012-05-30 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Kay, You make some good points here, but there is one thing missing in this ipad only vision. its hard to do a lot of work on an ipad. yes its great to read stuff and do stuff on the fly, but its just not a good productive environment for heavy duty work. ive used the ipad a lot since it has co

Re: use-livecode Digest, Vol 102, Issue 12

2012-03-08 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Andre you almost made coffee come out my nose! Apple damned by the stock market if they dont make things bigger, brighter and better at least twice a year and damned by their developers when they do! jeff On Mar 8, 2012, at 2:04 AM, wrote: I've heard

Re: SoCal LUG meeting: 2 February in Pasadena

2012-01-07 Thread Jeff Reynolds
LOL, i do japanese model trains! didnt think other LCers would be into trains! but come to think about it our little japanese model train club here does have 4 software folks in it out of like 10 members! I agree the standalone ability breaking the HC card metaphor does cause big issues for

Re: [OT] Interesting Read On Tech In Classrooms vs None

2011-10-25 Thread Jeff Reynolds
having run a high school computer lab and taught multimedia there its really true that they are oversold and underused. it takes a lot of creativity and flexibility to find when and where you get a hight bang for the buck to use computers in the classroom, otherwise you are just spending a

Re: Copying from MS word into RunRev 4.0

2011-09-03 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Jonathan, I think this may be fallout from an old MS/Adobe battle. there have been problems with the how data was formatted on the clipboard by MS and then having issues with pasting into Adobe apps. from all i read on that it was a big finger pointing game with adobe saying MS was not do

Re: End of an Era: Steve Jobs

2011-08-27 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Richard, you are scaring me, you wrote that way to well and to fast! you have a hidden obfuscation (PR) talent there!! good stuff, good stuff! cheers jeff On Aug 27, 2011, at 1:00 PM, wrote: OR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RunRev Ltd. Introduces Royalties

Re: End of an Era: Steve Jobs

2011-08-27 Thread Jeff Reynolds
y all I just had to. :-) Bob On Aug 26, 2011, at 11:29 AM, Jeff Reynolds wrote: Jobs also was brilliant on finding those things that are deep in the human heart, linked to that basic monkey brain to touch first then do the rest. ___ use-liv

Re: End of an Era: Steve Jobs

2011-08-26 Thread Jeff Reynolds
sorry i have no blog so ill present my thoughts here to the list... This is an unending discussion with my design partner about the current state of design. Gene worked in the Eames office when very young and was able to see the magic that someone that has that attention to detail and the a

Re: [OT] Amiga OS in 2011

2011-06-27 Thread Jeff Reynolds
I still have my transparent developer's newton! talk about looks when i use to plop that down on a conference table! that and my sinclair z80 and my Basis 108 are still alive... cheers jeff On Jun 28, 2011, at 1:19 AM, wrote: hey I was using a newt

Re: odd stack corruption

2011-06-14 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Jacqueline, thanks, thats what i thought with corruption that it would be much more dramatic than this. here are the odd things though that still dont fit. all groups were named uniquely. a) this particular card and its groups (groups not used on any other cards) were created in probably

odd stack corruption

2011-06-12 Thread Jeff Reynolds
ok, this is one of the few times i have ever run into stack corruption in all my years with hypercard, metacard, rev, livecode... I have a application for an exhibit that started way back in the early metacard days thats been running and evolving for years now. this last update i also reved

playing ipad videos on the video output

2011-04-21 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Has anyone been able to have a rev ios application that has its control interface running on the ipad play a video file on the ipad out through the video out cable support? i have a client that wants to control videos that are played for presentations from an ipad and then have the videos p

Re: [OT] time to change your iTunes password?

2011-01-11 Thread Jeff Reynolds
Peter, thats cause those cows are for eatin, not milkin! cheese is that yeller stuff you put on the burgers! cheers jeff (who has about 150 texan relatives) On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:00 PM, wrote: Besides, Texas doesn't have any cheese worth mentioni

Re: OT: Powers of Ten

2010-12-13 Thread Jeff Reynolds
sometime check out tocatta for toy trains -- quite fun! cheers jeff On Dec 13, 2010, at 8:51 PM, wrote: On Dec 13, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Jeff Reynolds wrote: The eames version was the grand daddy and still holds up decades later One bit of

Re: OT: Powers of Ten

2010-12-13 Thread Jeff Reynolds
The eames version was the grand daddy and still holds up decades later shows the true genius of the eames that their work is just as solid and gorgeous today as it was when it came out. they still amaze me. cheers jeff On Dec 13, 2010, at 7:25 AM