s in the iOS external sdk. For discovering the desktop it would be
>>> best to use bonjour but that would require an external to be written. The
>>> alternative would be to have the user type in the ip or host name of the
>>> computer.
>>> --
Is it possible with iOS to make an app that uses an iPhone (or iPod touch) as a
wireless microphone over Wi-Fi? It would need to send sound to a Mac (or a PC)
to a companion app on that platform that would output the sound and be able to
record it.
I don't see any relevant information in the us
Me too …
Don Williams
On 23/06/2012, at 19:46 , Tom McGrath III wrote:
> I certainly hope not. I bought and used MobGUI and had nothing but problems
> with it.
> On Jun 22, 2012, at 5:15 PM, Roger Eller wrote:
>> Be advised: My comments are only spe