Please do not ban anyone.
> Le 9 avr. 2021 à 10:31, Heather Laine via use-livecode
> a écrit :
> Oh my word. That went downhill really fast, while I was peacefully sleeping.
> Folks. Never, ever, post politics on this mailing list. Do NOT exchange
> abuse. This is a place to dis
tab. Apps are allowed to access
> files in their own bundle (but should not change them if your app is
> digitally signed).
> --
> Phil Jimmieson
> University of Liverpool, Computer Science Department
> Ashton Bldg, Ashton Street, Liverpool. L69 3BX
> 0151 795 4236
Hi everybody,
A friend has accepted to test my new desktop app. I upload the app to dropbox
and send a link, by e-mail, to my friend.
My app is in a folder "A" containing :
** the app
** a folder "B" containing several text files the app needs
The folder "A" is zipped before uploading.
Thanks to all of you for your answers to my message.
I apologize for the name of the topic; a more classical term in the forum gave
rather poor results.
I’ve been following this list for over ten years and have learned a lot here;
and I
I feel André is not welcomed as an outsider in this list.
Too bad.
CL, not enough philosophical, not enough Catalina
> Le 11 mars 2020 à 23:48, Charles Lachat via use-livecode
> a écrit :
> Hi,
> Let’s say I build an XML tree in LiveCode; part of it is:
Let’s say I build an XML tree in LiveCode; part of it is:
revXMLPutIntoNode idID, "/identity/name", textEncode (field "name_source"
,"UTF8") -- fld contains "André"
When I write the XML file:
put revXMLText (idID) into URL **myFile.xml**
… I don’t find André any longer, but André
How c