e constructive suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
13. LC for Android: Retrieve center lat n lng from LC browser
using google maps? (Barry G. Sumpter)
20. Re: LC for Android: Retrieve center lat n lng from LC browser
using google maps? (Peter M. Br
use in LiveCode for Android?
Or perhaps suggest another method?
All my best,
Barry G. Sumpter
use-livecode mailing list
Hi Gregory,
I've just spend a few weeks setting up LiveCode server on win32 under IIS
And pretty much had to start from scratch to get LiveCode Server up n
If you haven't already stepped thru this how to (don't just read thru it.
Do it. And verify each step) :
This was happening to me on a simple table.
I had to copy the tab setting to the clip board.
Close the stack.
Open the stack.
Paste into the tab settings (column widths)
No matter how many time I changed the tab setting by hand afterwards
It would was adjust.
Kind of a paid but only needed to wor
I use this format:
launch url "file:/Users/ben/Desktop/test.pdf"
Message: 24
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 11:38:19 +0200
From: "Tiemo Hollmann TB"
To: "'How to use LiveCode'"
Subject: no association for launch document pdf
Message-ID: <01cd0feb$2d67f010$8837d030$@de>
Thanks heaps Peter.
This works for Android as well
If you put the field into a group and set the group's traversalon to false,
it will prevent the field from getting the focus on opencard,
at least in desktop stacks. Don't know if this works in iOS too.
-- Peter
Peter M. Brigham
Have a go at:
launch url urlToLaunch
Launches a url in the appropriate manner for the current system.
launch url "http://www.runrev.com";
launch url "file:/Users/ben/Desktop/test.pdf"
launch url "tel:44 7818 8822"
Launch app A that launches app A1, A2, A3
Yep, a timer to sound an alarm and 1 minute intervals.
I forgot how complex/different Android sounds are from win32 sounds.
Perhaps the first time the play sound is attempted
The file doesn't exist
Or the folder doesn't exist
Or the actual sound file won't play on android
As my sound file on andr
Up a bit too late again last night n saved a LiveCode Server 5.0.2 stack as
I keep loosing my Preferences Preserve Stack ticked on.
I'm sure its the sequence of events surrounding switching from 4.6.4 ide to
the 5.5 ide.
Is there a way to trap the On SaveStack subroutine on my LiveCode Sever