On Mac and LiveCode 9.6.9…
Make a new stack. Put a few controls on it. Group them.
Give the group a name
Set the border width to something like 10-15 so the effect is visible.
Turn off 3D.
Turn on border.
Now, turn show name on and off. When show name is off, the border looks good.
When on
I just tested and used
search livecode uselist
for a google search. The 6th result showed a link to the the--mail-archive
which also has a complete archiv of this mailing list.
> Am 20.08.2023 um 19:25 schrieb R.H. via use-livecode
> :
> I also can not use Google search. It finds nothing
I also can not use Google search. It finds nothing in the list. If Google
is not the culprit then it deserves a bug report.
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On 2023-08-19 21:57, Tom Glod via use-livecode wrote:
Does this mean we have JSON support in SQLite?
This is from the documentation.:
In other words, the JSON functions went from being opt-in with SQLite
version 3.37.2 and earlier to opt-out with SQLite version 3.38.0 and