There are sure to be more elegant ways but you could just rebuild the list
skipping the duplicates as you go
# tList1 contains original list
put cr into tList2
repeat for each line x in tList1
if tList2 contains cr&x&cr then # ensures you check whole not partial lines
# do nothing
I have a field with about a thousand lines with many duplicate lines, and I
want to delete the duplicates. Seems like this should be simple but I am
running around in circles. Can anyone help me with this?
use-livecode mailing list
Ok, that straightened out my confusion.
> On Mar 12, 2022, at 5:40 PM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode
> wrote:
> Exactly. You want matchtext, not filter.
> There is a way to finesse this if you really need to use filter:
> local tSubString, tTarget, tLargeTextString
> local t
On 3/12/22 14:21, Rick Harrison via use-livecode wrote:
So what did it filter? It’s the same string I started with.
Exactly. You want matchtext, not filter.
There is a way to finesse this if you really need to use filter:
local tSubString, tTarget, tLargeTextString
local tResult
Your source was only one line. The default for filter is to work by line. It
returns all lines that match, hence the same string you started with.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 12, 2022, at 5:22 PM, Rick Harrison via use-livecode
> wrote:
> put "THIS*FIND" into tTarget
> put “abcdef
put "THIS*FIND" into tTarget
put “abcdefghijkTHISISMYTEXTTOFINDlmnopqrstuvwxyz” into tLargeTextString
put tLargeTextString into pText
— Adding your code here Mark:
put ".*THIS.*FIND.*" into tTarget
filter pText with regex pattern tTarget into tFilteredTextResult
answer "tFilteredTextResult =
Someone who does a lot of audio work would know more than I do about it, but it used to be that
files could be saved in either "normal" mode or "streaming" mode. I didn't make the files I
used in a particular app, but they all streamed and playback started immediately while the rest
loaded in th
On 3/12/22 2:29 PM, Brian Milby via use-livecode wrote:
Filter removes non-matching lines.
Unless you use "filter x without y".
Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software |
I have to thank everyone who helped me figure out my Boggle game. I've put the current file on
Google Drive for anyone who wants to take a look. The scripts are open and I think I've removed
all the testing cruft that accumulated over the last couple of weeks.
I'd be interested in any feedback
On 3/12/22 12:06, Rick Harrison via use-livecode wrote:
Hi Mark,
matchText works fine.
That doesn’t explain why “filter” doesn’t work though.
Yes. It does. Filter won't give you a substring.
You can use filter to get the whole line of text, but you'll still have
to dig out the substring if
Filter removes non-matching lines.
On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 3:07 PM Rick Harrison via use-livecode <> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> matchText works fine.
> That doesn’t explain why “filter” doesn’t work though.
> Thanks!
> Rick
> > On Mar 12, 2022, at 2:05 PM, Mark Wi
Hi Mark,
matchText works fine.
That doesn’t explain why “filter” doesn’t work though.
> On Mar 12, 2022, at 2:05 PM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode
> wrote:
> Try matchtext rather than filter:
> local tTextt, tFound?
> put matchtext(tLargeTextString, ".*THIS(.*)FIND.*", tTex
On 3/12/22 08:43, Rick Harrison via use-livecode wrote:
Good Morning!
I’m trying to get filter to work with some text and so far no success at all.
Given large string: abcdefghijkTHISISMYTEXTTOFINDlmnopqrstuvwxyz
I want the text between THIS and FIND which could be anything like ISLJFKKDKLS
put "*THISISMYTEXTTOFIND*" into tTarget
put “abcdefghijkTHISISMYTEXTTOFINDlmnopqrstuvwxyz” into tLargeTextString
put tLargeTextString into pText
filter pText with tTarget into tFilteredTextResult
answer "tFilteredTextResult = " & tFilteredTextResult
Or more simply:
filter tLargeTextString
Good Morning!
I’m trying to get filter to work with some text and so far no success at all.
Given large string: abcdefghijkTHISISMYTEXTTOFINDlmnopqrstuvwxyz
I want the text between THIS and FIND which could be anything like ISLJFKKDKLS
It’s OK to include the THIS and FIND in my result.
I’m th
Hello Peter,
Off the top of my head, I think there is a related read-only property
("loadState") but this is for the iOS mobile player. So you can get the
value of this property using the mobileControlGet command, and start the
video playback accordingly. However, if I remember correctly, your app
16 matches
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