> William P. wrote:
> I use:
> on mouseUp
> set the cursor to # —the ID of the image
> lock cursor
> end mouseUp
You could try to _first_ lock the cursor then set it.
(This works for here).
use-livecode mailing list
I submitted a bug report (bug #: 19092) for this.
> On Jan 11, 2017, at 3:46 PM, William Prothero via use-livecode
> wrote:
> Folks:
> I am setting the cursor to a 32x32 image. It works in the standalone app, but
> not in the development system. Is there something wrong with the I
@ pass by reference
Wow! I'm only now learning about this? ….sheesh, this would have solved so many
issues I faced in the past!
and now pass arrays too. Fantastic.
@ Richard: yes "wrap" was the wrong way to state this… "call a function with
dispatch" is was I should have said
PS there is
We may need to see your actual scripts to determine where the problem
may be. Also, how do you know that your MySQL db data is corrupt?
What program are you using to look at it? How was the db set up in the
first place; what character set and collation? Is it possible that
your Windows db Client i
I might go, but it really depends on when. If it's on Saturday I'll be able
to join.
On Jan 12, 2017 22:41, "Mark Schonewille via use-livecode" <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> We really need 4 or 5 more participants to make the conference possible.
> If you are planning to go, let me kn
Not sure why yours would be working different. I abbreviated much of
my card script for list purposes, but I actually create 2
mobileControl objects that appear right after each other on the card
using nearly identical code: inputCreateTSM and inputCreateEmail are
both called from preOpenSc
Thank you for your response. I'm not using multi-line text box, so that is
not an issue.
I'm currently using this command in the OpenCard to activate the field:
send "touchStart" to fld "ExerValue" on this card in 100 milliseconds
This creates the native text input box, but doesn't b
> On Jan 12, 2017, at 2:15 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode
> wrote:
> Thanks for the assistance, and if any of the dev team thinks this is not how
> a standalone can work, contact me offline as you please, an I will be glad to
> assist. The standalone is too big to send via the QC uploads
Hi Jacque.
As I mentioned, I created a custom property called pIncrement. Each time I
launch the app, I increment this property by 1 then write it out to a log file.
The log file indicates that the property IS getting written to and saved. I
understand that I cannot write to an executable file,
I mean the checkbox "Move Substacks into individual stack files" is UNCHECKED
and the stacks are NOT substacks of the original stack. When I open the package
(OS X), I see that in the MacOS folder there is an executalbe file called Forms
Generator (which is what I told the splash stack the app w
We really need 4 or 5 more participants to make the conference possible.
If you are planning to go, let me know! If you know someone else who
might go, ask him or her to send me a message.
Kind regards,
Mark Schonewille
Buy the most e
On 1/12/17 12:25 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
Even though in the standalone settings I have the option to save
substacks as individual stacks unchecked, it does it anyway. It just
puts them in the app package instead of in another folder.
Did you mean "checked"? If checked, that opti
Thanks all.
What I did was put a function in the backscript script called homestack(),
which simply returns the name of what ought to be the Main Stack (but isn't
anymore in a standalone). I think anyone who wants to start saving as
standalones should be alerted to this little quirk. Even thoug
Hi Dan - is your native control multi-line? If so the dictionary says
mobileControlDo multi-line text input specific actions are for iOS only.
I use a 'send' command to create native controls in the openCard handler in
500ms which works in iOS and Android. When I have more than on native input
I'm doing the same type of thing, but because I have multiple input fields
on the card, I send the inputCreateTSM when the user selects the field.
Here is the function that I'm using to create the Native Control when the
field is selected.
on inputCreatorWide pName, pFld, pContent, pKey
For the text issue you can set the theme of the stack to "legacy" and it
will use the old settings.
What bug are you seeing?
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
On January 12, 2017 5:43:08 A
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 14:25:21 -0600
From: Randy Hengst
To: How to use LiveCode
Subject: Re: [OT] Download Request
Message-ID: <2123c29c-82dc-49ec-915c-86ae74918...@mac.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
A quick follow-up? the initial response from Apple said that they?d
Here is a card script I'm currently using that seems to work in an
iOS/Android app I have now:
on preOpenCard
end preOpenCard
on inputCreateTSM
put the rect of graphic "tsmRectangle" into tThisRect
# do some math to visually accommodate a roundedRect with innerShadow
I used Quiver 3
Allows you to sync to dropbox , google drive etc, export as pdf,, html,
markdown, plain text and json (infact the actual data is json)
What I love is I can cut and paste websites and all the graphics and
formatting are stored as well and the syntax coloring for most of the
Thank you for letting me know. I’ve now seen it on the US store.
be well,
> On Jan 12, 2017, at 7:01 AM, David Milne via use-livecode
> wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> Number Tile Fill Up
> I picked up your software in the New Zealand store at 1.58 am Friday 13
> (New Zealand Local time and d
I am migrating a LC 6 program to LC 8 and shortly before release, after I
thought I have made all hurdles I am again lost with Mac - LC 8 - PHP -
MySQL -UTF-8 and German Umlaute (the MySQL name field is "utf8_general_ci"
Scenario 1 (without local file):
- Entering a na
Hi Randy,
Number Tile Fill Up
I picked up your software in the New Zealand store at 1.58 am Friday 13
(New Zealand Local time and date)
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe a
6.7.5 is my poison of choice. 8.x gives an error when it opens. Bug was
reported several times, but it's still there, even in the latest. Also, my
Windows applications are tightly spaced in the UI department, and 8.x text
spacing goes crazy. It would take a lot of time to go through everything
If you want to talk about a "perv": I'm currently using 7.1.4 for all my
development work.
On 1/12/17 12:02 am, Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode wrote:
> Well, the first question anyone is going to ask is why
> on earth you are using 6.7.11?
Don't forget to use "OMG/LOL/d
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